How is the amount of celeb smiths relevant to anything? Different cultures produced different swords, all fit for their environments - japs had poor steel supply, and poor or nonexistent armor on your enemies, so they made katanas (and other kinds of swords too, obviously). Europeans did their own thing as did Middle easterners, Indians, Chinese... Made blades relevant to the purpose they were meant to be wielded in.
What can be argued though is that Jap swordsmithing is inferior because they largely stopped evolving their designs and just dogmatically stuck to the katana for many many centuries, whereas Europeans kept coming up with new designs as the circumstances changed and R&D was done on what's good.
What can be argued though is that Jap swordsmithing is inferior because they largely stopped evolving their designs and just dogmatically stuck to the katana for many many centuries, whereas Europeans kept coming up with new designs as the circumstances changed and R&D was done on what's good.