I actually liked the update.
The wizards' Grimoire Slam allows them to attack an enemy in melee with their magically-charged grimoires, unleashing a concussive wave of energy on contact. If it hits, the attack knocks the target back, usually far enough to break Engagement in the process.
Grimoire slamming works like a regular attack, it actually has to hit (and not graze) to be effective. The book itself is also supercharged with a fuckload of magic.Oh yeah, in other news? This is bullshit. Can't wait to see meek wizards launching stout warriors through the air by slapping them real hard with their spellbooks whenever they are threatened in melee. Oh, I forgot, they do it magically.
Grimoire slamming works like a regular attack, it actually has to hit (and not graze) to be effective. The book itself is also supercharged with a fuckload of magic.Oh yeah, in other news? This is bullshit. Can't wait to see meek wizards launching stout warriors through the air by slapping them real hard with their spellbooks whenever they are threatened in melee. Oh, I forgot, they do it magically.
Also, knockbacks are horrible in every game, ever.
I'm getting the impression the magical properties of grimoires makes them practically indestructible.It still sounds like something taken straight up from a jRPG. I mean, staffslam/wandslam I could get... but bashing shit with your most precious book is just But whatever suits them. The way the ability works is interesting, albeit very circumstantial.
It still sounds like something taken straight up from a jRPG.
It still sounds like something taken straight up from a jRPG.
It is not actually just like something taken straight out from a jRPG. It is taken straight out from one.
Oh hey, a flashy JRPG that uses an actual fucking grid for once. It looks good. Is it good?
I don't know what's the problem with imagining a wizard slamming his thick, magically infused spellbook into his oppontents face. Why doesn't it fit the mood?To be clear, I don't necessarily mind the mechanics of the ability (although it does somewhat cheapen the value of/need to protect the groups spell casters), but as already mentioned, the trappings are just too reminiscient of jRPGs, where any 6-year-old can take out trained soldiers with his trusted rubber ducky, and don't fit the mood I expect based on the KS campaign, regardless of the explanation 'It's magic!'
Portray it as a telekinetic push/punch, a staff thrust or whatever, but the way it's described now is just too silly for me in this game's presumed context. Otherwise, why not go the extra mile and also deliver spells via airborne grimoire? Hey, it's magic!
Aaaah, look who's crawled out from BSN? :D'Cause it is. It is a fukkin' book. A book. FFS Saying 'it's magic' justsb eems like a cop out to me and I usually defend the 'it's magic!" defense. L0L