I have played around in the Aanthirin region, and around the northwest coast of Telvannis, which was re-designed recently. Haven't gone to the old Telvanni lands or Sacred East yet.Nice. The main reason I ask is I'm curious how balanced the world is in Tamriel Rebuilt around different character builds. Have you noticed stuff designed around thief type skills, for example? Also, are there more guilds in the new areas? How are the movement systems in the mainland? I assume there's still boats, but are they using Silt Stiders or other means? And how connected are the locations with these movement systems? I assume there are regional variants of the Morrowind armors and weapons? Lastly, are you using OpenMW?Hybrid, as usual. Melee + magic. Long blade, medium armor, and pretty much all magic schools as my main skills.
About a year ago, I also played the part of Skyrim they released.
All the areas I've visited have the classic travel systems. The mage guilds have guild guides that can teleport you from guild to guild. There are silt striders and boats to transport you around, in Skyrim it's horse carriages and boats.
Skill-wise, I find that magic is almost indispensable in some dungeons - at least levitation. Plenty of areas you can only reach with levitation, as well as some pits and pools of water you can fall into that require levitation to get back out. But vanilla Morrowind also had some dungeons where you had to have levitation to access some parts, so it should be in your spell repertoire anyway.
One skill that feels way more useful than in vanilla is speechcraft. It still functions in the old bribe-intimidate-admire way to raise an NPC's reaction, but there are way more quests where persuasion is a possibility, or where the outcome of choosing a dialog option depends on an NPC's reaction towards you, so using speechcraft to raise an NPC's reaction pays off way more than it did in vanilla Morrowind.
Thief skills are kinda eh. I'm playing through thieves guild quests because they're fun, but I get through most of the challenges with magic. Lock opening spells make the security skill pretty much obsolete, and stealth isn't really a required skill either since it's so easy to hide behind the architecture to avoid line of sight of the static NPCs.
Yes, there are way more regional variants of weapons, armor, clothing, etc. This applies to mainland Morrowind, Skyrim, and the upcoming Cyrodiil.
I'm playing with OpenMW. For big mods that expand the landmass significantly, it's the only way to get the entire map to appear in your in-game map, as vanilla has a limit as to how far it can go. So if you play on the original engine you won't get to see Skyrim on the map if you play there, as it's too far from the center.