Kathlyn Kitty Kat
Hi, had issues with not being able to validate the email code i received multiple times until the account was locked. Had to use a backup code to login. Please investigate.
Won't give an edge shaving.Have you given Infinitron his shekels yet?Oops! We ran into some problems.
The two-step verification value could not be confirmed. Please try again.
Try https://rpghq.org/forums/viewtopic....-a-phone-rusty-s-recommended-password-manageri not downloading a app just to login in here.
Recently one of our more... prolific posters had his account compromised, after which the perpetrator apparently went on a mass-deletion spree which has fouled up all the threads this particular user participated in. Needless to say it has caused some consternation and poor @Twiglard now can't get any sleep because he has to sort all this out.
If you haven't already, you need to enable and start using our two-step verification feature (also known as two-factor authentication, or 2FA) which you can find in the security section of your settings page.
You have two choices: you can set it to use an app like Authy which you install on your cell phone and every month have to launch to verify the code, or you can just use an alternate email address to do the same thing. The app is recommended, because it's more of a stringent security system, but many of you are probably either too poor to afford a smart phone or you haven't upgraded from your dad's ancient flip phone yet.
2FA. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
Don't be that guy.
Thank you.
In case you didn't get the message:
There's always the nuclear option.Switch to the app option, e-mail can be problematic for several reasons.
Obviously I managed to log in but after the ordeal I felt like I had to...give back, you know? Show some gratitude.I can not login but I must post.
If you're going to call me a faggot then I'm going to just be blunt with you.Hey faggot (@King Crispy), every time I can't log in I'll post this. Enjoy.
The first message was posted from my PC. On Firefox. I use no VPN because I don't need to.If you're going to call me a faggot then I'm going to just be blunt with you.Hey faggot (@King Crispy), every time I can't log in I'll post this. Enjoy.
I see you're on what appears to be a static IP with no VPN or other services apparent, but I also see that your actual IP seems to change every month, multiple times.
Why is that? Are you using a private VPN? If so, then you're probably fucking yourself in terms of easily/properly using 2FA, which needs to be able to identify your PC via a persistent IP address. That's why you have to log back in and establish a new 2FA token with every computer you access Codex from, or if you effectively move your PC, which is essentially what you're doing with whatever masking service you're using.
It's quite simple: once per month, the 2FA app asks you to verify with a new code. It checks that code based on your IP address. If you keep changing IP addresses, it needs to re-check to make sure you are who you say you are. Otherwise, you're basically a stranger to RPG Codex (in terms of security) and you're going to be asked to show your ID again.
Either stop using whatever VPN you're using or just deal with the fact that with IP hopping, that's what you'll have to do. Every time.
I hope this helps. Good luck to you.
Then you may want to consider contacting your ISP and asking them some questions as opposed to calling me a faggot, telling me to fuck off, etc.Your explanation for my apparent IP change is weird to say the least.
Why would I ask them questions? They do their job: provide access to internet. It's websites that utilize 2FA that are the problem. I didn't have any problems at all with browsing and interacting with this site until you or whoever else decided to implement 2FA.Then you may want to consider contacting your ISP and asking them some questions
2FA can be a more lax system requiring other-than-IP confirmation, yes, but it's then obviously quite a bit easier to defeat. Because of the malicious actions that someone has recently perpetuated against our database (causing frequent freezing, massive threads to freak out, etc.) we've had to rely on a stringent (IP-based) check.I thought IP doesn't matter, only device (cookies) matter?
You don't have to. You can just sit there and wonder why you're an exception rather than a rule as to how many people are able to successfully navigate our 2FA system to log in to Codex trouble-free. Hell, you might even just be curious as to why your IP seems to keep changing. I would be, if I were you.Why would I ask them questions?
I accept your apology (now go get your fuckin' shinebox).If you're not responsible then I apologize.
This is how it's supposed to be. This is your personal, "internal" IP, which is irrelevent when it comes to the outside world. Your actual IP address is the one that your ISP provides, and is what we (the outside world) see(s).In my internet settings the IP assignment is set to Automatic (DHCP).
Are you sure? Because I'm using a VPN and have no issue so far. Had to enter the code once, after the ordinary 30 days.2FA can be a more lax system requiring other-than-IP confirmation, yes, but it's then obviously quite a bit easier to defeat. Because of the malicious actions that someone has recently perpetuated against our database (causing frequent freezing, massive threads to freak out, etc.) we've had to rely on a stringent (IP-based) check.I thought IP doesn't matter, only device (cookies) matter?