I shat on HobG in this thread a lot already but I gotta go to bat about this SJW narrative.
Btw, I find you all shiteaters that donate to Kickstarter to be borderline idiotic - you deserve more shit than EA npc's, kill yourselves.
Acshually! Its, unsurprisingly, YOU who are ze dumb, yet again.
HobG would have NEVER ever posted on the Dex if he was even slightly SJW. I was surprised as fuck when his identity as a german dev became known!
But once their company announced/(it became public) that that
absolute fucking moron of a man, JarlFrank, is working for them - it was all over.
That imbecilic german faggot was sporting swastikas in his profile or signature! His full identity is trivially google'ble.
All it took was a german to report his criminal offenses (swastikas are illegal...) to the authorities and them following through. They love to set warning examples on facebook shitposters.
God know what else is in his 20k posts...
Ze german pseudo courts go mercilessly after people who dont acknowledge the regime.
And cause he is poor as a subhuman, he'd be looking at actual time, suspended of course...
It is
absolutely impossible in any way to affiliate yourself with
free speech as a german citizen!
There are no jokes, no interpretations for german courts in certain cases... especially when illegal immigrants were storming the country over several eu countries thorugh and the govt was calling them asylum seekers.
And in public opinion too, your name is gonna be a person non grata for all economic entities, let alone govt orgs that provide funding...
The fact that HobG is also googleable and just was on the Dex is a continual risk to his persons! And you, Grunker, too...
You cant just post about mechanics in your game and the next post going "but those niggers and trannies are ruining everything in here, pl0x remove". Its not gonna fly. Its like sitting at the same breakfast table with nazis.
Realms Beyond (germans) had to dump and shit on JarlFrank !the instant! anyone noticed he is working with them.
The RPGwatch post is just insurance of believability.
So, peeps, lets send a big thank you to
JarlFrank !