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Jun 27, 2012
3 takes it. More, please.


Jun 27, 2012


Dec 7, 2010
Guys, I think that we are strongly the neglecting the power of the mind in this situation. We've been going about this all wrong: we're thinking in terms of a strength of numbers, when a strength of will matters far more. If Linkoping taught us anything, it's that a group of highly motivated people who believe can fight off a far greater force that has become demoralized. Conviction seems to be everything in this setting, so we should avoid thinking about situations in such an inorganic way.

It must be said: taking a mutilated woman begging for death and cruelly forcing her to continue living, then afterwards exploring the place with the same soldiers that you've ordered to commit such a dishonourable task, is monumentally stupid. It will hurt morale, and with our men psychologically broken, this house will make a bitch out of us. Whoever is with us, they don't need to be the best, but they do need to be brave, committed and willing to fully us. If you want to raise morale, do the honourable thing by putting her out of her misery and promising to avenge her:

Yet, he gazed at the tall windows, all covered with thick curtains, but from one of them an eerie red glow came, and he could hear muffled sounds that were clearly familiar, inhuman voices speaking in an unspeakable language for men, and finally he was close enough to feel the malicious presence, sensations he only had when he managed to stop Narackamous. It seemed some kind of wicked ritual was on the way inside the Mýrr residence this night.

Whatever is going on here, we have to stop it and whoever we bring with us (if we bring anyone) needs to have some resolve.

As a result, at the moment I'm voting ABB, although I'm willing to flop to the "go it alone" option with Angartyr, since I think that numbers don't matter as much as courage here.


Jun 27, 2012
Esquilax is right, putting in my vote for ABB.

I'm sure there are better things we can use as evidence around the place than a mad, half-dead husk. Our bro Angartyr always fought for great justice and his leadership skills are substantial, so I think if he does the right thing, then his conviction will get the mens' morale back up.
Feb 11, 2007
I'm not so sure that killing the person we could rescue instead would send a right message to our men. They are on edge as it is, and it might make them think they could be next. Actually getting somebody alive (more or less) from this madhouse might boost their morale better and it would spread the word of Myrr's atrocities around even if the victim is in no state to testify. Her state alone would be a testimony to anyone that might see her, even if it is just the rest of our men outside and the healer.


Jun 27, 2012
Well, she's pretty much asking for death, for one. Who knows what the Myrr have done to her, but she already considers herself dead.
"City?" she seemed to try laughing after all the misery that obviously broke her mind and soul, "do you think this City, or any petty rule, laws or armies in this world could stop the dark gods I was 'sacrificed' for? If the Mýrr..." she coughed, "if they die, there will be plenty more to replace them... we are all doomed, just... please, bring me to oblivion, let my mind forget this once it is nothing more than ashes, please, put me out of this misery, please... kill me!"
Mercy-killing is the more moral option here, either that or allow her to live as a corpse (which I'm sure she won't react to positively).

If Angartyr can get his conviction up, then I'm sure we can incite righteous nordic fury in our men, blood-for-blood style (who knows, we may get blessed with some berserker rages). These guys are good fighters, so we should make it our goal to get their spirits up so that they can back us up. All they need us an example.

If only Bernhard were here.


Dec 7, 2010
I'm not so sure that killing the person we could rescue instead would send a right message to our men. They are on edge as it is, and it might make them think they could be next. Actually getting somebody alive (more or less) from this madhouse might boost their morale better and it would spread the word of Myrr's atrocities around even if the victim is in no state to testify. Her state alone would be a testimony to anyone that might see her, even if it is just the rest of our men outside and the healer.

Depends on how you define rescue - giving her the release of death is more of a rescue, if you ask me. The men who are with us are battle-hardened Vikings that are accustomed to the sight of death, and a good, clean death is something that they can respect. On the other hand, letting a wretch like this suffer will plummet their already shaky resolve. Believing that forcing her to continue living will improve things is purely wishful thinking. If you want to continue with this crew, you have to put her out of her misery.

And even if we do save her - what then? The Myrr are powerful and connected, they could have her offed before a trial, and if by some miracle she survives to give testimony, she's a raving, barely coherent lunatic at this point. But really, the most important point here, is that she told us that the Myrr are pawns:

"do you think this City, or any petty rule, laws or armies in this world could stop the dark gods I was 'sacrificed' for? If the Mýrr..." she coughed, "if they die, there will be plenty more to replace them... we are all doomed, just... please, bring me to oblivion, let my mind forget this once it is nothing more than ashes, please, put me out of this misery, please... kill me!"

The real threat here would be whatever is lurking in the waters near the hedge maze, or the inhuman chanting we heard in the glowing red room. The only reason I care about getting rid of the Myrr is to establish Angartyr's legitimacy as King.


Jun 27, 2012
2, hell yeah! Let's start a secret =][= faction and guide humanity from it's beginning. Our name?
Cleveland Mark Blakemore.

By the way, would creating our own religions and empires risk our destruction?
"You're really trying hard to convince me into that. What about doing nothing? Why can't you travel yourself."
Maybe he likes prepubescent girls and human females?


Aug 30, 2008

We shall reform Nazi Germany into the Imperium of Mankind.

4, 5, 7, 9 and 12 are all tempting as well. I'd probably even lean Rome over National Socialist Germany if it weren't for the erasing from existence thing.
Feb 11, 2007
Well that was unexpected. Voting 1 against abandoning everything we created here so far. Fuck, I hate doing that. I want to see how everything turns out with the City, our new conquered holdings and what happens to the Remnants.


Jun 27, 2012
Fuck The City and the Worst Sushi! There are only two choices: guide humanity from it's inception (seriously, this will be so fucking awesome: stone age, bronze age, iron age. It's going to be a frickin' interactive guided history tour, and with Cassidy's writing skills and alternate-history scenarios, it will truly be enjoyable. Besides, we will get so much time to train our boy up, the cults won't even stand a chance), or fighting the Ahnenerbe in :flamesaw: !


Aug 30, 2008
Yeah I see little reason to stick around with this timeline when there's plenty of great ways we can change history.

The Illyrian option could see us ditch those proto-Serbs for Alexander, but the part of them being part of a lost advanced civilisation interests me. Damn, I'm like a kid in a candy shop here.


Jun 27, 2012
Why not go farther? We can shape humanity from the beginning! We'll have enough time to teach Angartyr anything! Alexander? Fuck that pussy, we can make better!

Or go through Nazi cultists like B.J Blazckowitz on crack!

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