The main hall likely won't allow zombies in because it is a save room( you know like in the previous games), but on the other hand, the previous demos they showed off had mr. x in the main hall.
so it could be mr. x is the only exception, or the full game would also allow regular zombies to enter in.
But apparently it is a joke that zombies can't enter a save room but they couldn't enter rooms in REmake outside of the scripted doors that the game allowed them to bust down and not the rest of the doors in the games that couldn't be busted down. Sure, that's not gamey at all.
You are missing the point. And this being a "re-imagining" is precisely what some fans didn't want.
that's not his point.
RE4 was the first Resident Evil game to implement an over the shoulder perspective. It's perfectly sensible to compare both games within the framework of those basic design features (breaking glass, reactions to being shot, adaptive movement) that are universally relevant, regardless of genre differences. These are tangible objective things you can pick out individually and say 'that was done better in X game.'
zombies react to being shot better than RE4, RE4 is a game designed in rather large areas in comparison to RE2. If breaking glass is the hill you're willing to die on, then so be it, but it just seems like retarded codex complaining that doesn't impact gameplay in a tangible way outside of "muh immersion" especially using a video where the creator came out with a positive impression from a demo that you didn't play (for whatever reason).