Nah, it makes me HIGHLY suspicious that people that enjoyed CV never played all 3 originals prior. That or they have an inability to parse good from bad.
-Dismisses much of the gameplay progression made from 1-3, especially the innovations of 3.
-Goes full 3D. WHY? RE went with the fixed cam because pre-rendered backgrounds. They should come as a pair. Going 3D but keeping the fixed cam just results in artistic decline, at least on early 2000s tech. 3D with fixed cam can probably only now in 2022 match pre-rendered backgrounds in terms of artistic quality.
-The origins of modern RE's batshit storytelling and character designs begins here. No more grounded Resident Evil. The two rich kid weirdos, Wesker with his resurrection after nearly being chopped in half, and his newfound general relativity-defying superpowers. Steve is a cocksucking J-pop caricature. The plot in general is fucking boring at that. All the style and badassery of the prior games is gone for this soy boy animu shit.
-Soundtrack. 1-3, great stuff. This game I don't recall a single track, except maybe save room.
-The horror? What fucking horror. It's not a scary game. It's so horrifically bad that I don't even recall a single enemy outside of the usual dogs, zombies, and tyrant at the end (juiced up wesker if I recall).
-x2 main characters gameplay that periodically swaps throughout the story without actually making it relevant or interesting to play. Even shitty RE0 manages that to some degree.
-It brought zero innovation of its own, only decline. Except OMG it's full 3D! Except that too is decline.