Finished this myself last week, good game but not a great game. Minor spoilers ahead.
Loved the starting section all the way up to the first boss. Awesome atmosphere and aesthetic, great balance between all it's combat components, story had enough hooks to keep me invested. The boss was shit though, more circling round something to win, and it had inconsistent rules too.
Then we hit a big fucking dip with a ton of bullshit looting/exploring on offer and the second bosses section which had fuck all gunplay. Dull. It was atmospheric, but all together this section of the game just felt badly paced. I appreciate a break, I don't need one which lasts several hours though.
Then we get the third bosses area which is OK, but a bit too QTE-like for my tastes. The boss was a fun fight, but also very easy and beaten on my first attempt.
A return to form for the Fortress though. Entering that had some great intense sections and the area itself was pretty cool, albeit a bit bloated. Again, the boss from that section sucked though.
And of course they then throw in this bullshit hour-ish long section where you can't save and which changes up the rues from earlier in the game to devalue everything somewhat. Kinda sucks. As does the fact that the last boss feels completely shoe-horned into the game, probably worse than the Wild Hunt.
Glad I played it, honestly thought t was going to be a top tier games at the start, but it's disjointed as fuck and felt like 5 games in one tbh. They really should make a vampire based gothic style RE game based on the first section. That part was superb.