Star Control - PC/Megadrive
We all know about the sequel, but the original is talked about far less, even in the wake of the 2018 reboot. In my many years of posting on here (3 to be precise if we're counting stars), I don't think I've actually ever seen it mentioned in any other thread other than the reboot one. I'll always remember seeing Ballistic's add for this in Mean Machines......
......Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Sci-Fi & Sports. 3 outta 4 'aint bad. Look at the artwork on all those covers though, Onslaught especially. How could such an add not peak your interest? So Star Control was a semi-fave of mine back then, how's it holding up now?
Damn fine, and in a word, Tense. And to say the game contains a lot of flaws, it's still a fucking cracking game to play, which I couldn't put down for a few days solid whilst reviewing it, and have been playing most days since. See the game has this absolutely fucking stupendously brilliantly crafted balance in all elements of it's gameplay. The scope of all the things all going of at once is superb, and there's always plenty to take in, but it's still basic enough to grasp easily and not be remotely overwhelming either.
There's so many twists and turns throughout a full game too, that I lost count of the number of times which I thought I had the CPU on the run, then they had me legging it, and then back again. Every game plays out so differently, it's crazy that after 30 odd years the game still surprises me. Fucking brilliant stuff. That applies to both space battles & tactical sections too. In fact, to say how simple the the tactical aspect of the game is, it's still something which I really enjoyed.
Combat itself is a mixed bag which definitely has way more good than bad, however when the bad elements align then it can really drag it down. This tends to happen when you play on the hardest difficulty settings against the CPU, and certain battles became a war of attrition. It takes a lot of the fun out of it when you spend most of the battle on a never ending chase just to get close to your enemy, and this happens way more when you play as the bad guys too. Also, the scenarios where your ship selection is largely limited, and you essentially playoff controlling a "weakness" ship against a "strength" ship are annoying too. It's fine on the easier difficulties, but on the hardest one again it just makes for long, drawn out battles.
Another minor annoyance is that the tactical grid looks cool, but it's constant spinning can also mean it's confusing at times. And during combat they really could have done with a radar to show you where the planets are too. Crashing into a planet which was off screen & dying (esp in the heavier ships) is not an uncommon event, and use of planets plays a big part in winning on harder difficulties.
But it's just so addictive, and that's just in one player mode. Where it absolutely shines is in two player combat, and in particular the melee mode (especially random melee). Me & the missus have sunk hours into that mode this week, and playing against a human opponent really lifts the game up another notch. The more chaotic & random nature of battles provides a much leveller playing field for certain vehicles, and that's where the real fun is.
Also, great touches of subtle humourt definitely add to the flavour & fun thoughout. It's nothing outstanding, and is surpassed massively in the sequel, but you can definitely see SC2's roots here.
It's got a ton of flaws to contend with, and can be annoying, boring and frustrating all at the same time, but I couldn't and can't stop playing it simple because it's so satisfying, and often so tense. Good single player fun, cracking two player brilliance.