Which makes it even worse because you presume to speak for homosexuals. If the vote for same sex marriage fails here it is because of people like you, not because others hate homosexuals. Get it through your thick skull: people do NOT like being preached to or made to feel ashamed for having an opinion. Learn the lessons of Clinton v Trump and Brexit and learn to debate and discuss or shut the fuck up. Your holier-than-thou shit only makes things WORSE for those people trying to gain acceptance.
As someone from a minority background, I should know. Stop speaking on my behalf, you arrogant prick! I do not need your ubermench protection.
I'm not straight, either. See, you keep presuming things, yet accuse others of doing so. I did discuss things, even scientifically. It's objective fact that
Carmilla by Le Fanu features a lesbian vampire as one of its main characters and it predates even
Dracula. It's objective fact that there is homosexuaity in the source material for VtM, it's objective fact that vampires represent aristocratic detachment and parasitism, narcissistic decadence and moral failing. You are the one who jumps to (the wrong) conclusions and starts preaching without any provocation. Also, just to be clear, "exterminate the gays" is not a valid opinion to have. Neither is "they are unnatural abominations that nature itself is against", which is built on another presumption, one which thinks it knows what a non-sentient abstract concept 'wants'. So maybe people are right to make you ashamed for holding those opinions. Maybe you should get it through
your thick skull that not every opinion is equally valid and justified.