And, uh, Jinn, kind of interested to hear your impressions on it. I don’t care for JRPGs, you obviously do.
Yeah, I'll probably drop some initial impressions the day of or day after, depending on how far I get. I've stayed pretty blind about most everything in the game, but I have watched a couple of the encounters, so I know what to expect in terms of combat gameplay at least. Like others have said, while combat was always pretty fun and sometimes (though rarely) challenging in the past games, it certainly wasn't what made the game. Judging from what I've seen, this is just the kind of change of pace I will enjoy as long as all the other great aspects of the series I've come to expect are still intact. I've even heard that there are some pretty ball-busting encounters throughout the game, which makes me very excited. I honestly have a feeling this is going to become one of my favorite games in the series based on the little I've heard, seen, and know.