I stubbornly finished the hunting-related quests in Saejima's part. I wanted to clear it before I moved to the urban/city section. While I didn't completely hate it, I can definitely see this portion of the game being a sore spot for many who play Yakuza 5. Starting off with what I liked, we see Saejima once again getting nursed back to health by a stranger after being injured. He feels indebeted to his savior and thus begins the questline. The game offers narrative weight behind your collecting pelts and such, which works b/c it has that trademark Yakuza humor behind it. The actual shooting and stealth mechanics are barebones. My biggest gripes is the repetitious nature of always starting and navigating the same playspace, and the dead time that's a result of all the interactions (the traps, the reloading, the slow walk speed when first starting). It became laughable the amount of times the story demanded you start your trek over because of story reasons. That said, I will look back on this as a bold diversion. It wasn't nearly as enjoyable as Kiryu's driving storyline, but I commend the attempt at doing something different. I can see how this influenced some of the more original minigames we saw in Yakuza 7 (and hopefully Judgment and 6, haven't played those yet). This has me curious as to what I should expect with the next 3 chracters and if they each have their own full-blown minigame/storyline.
scatterbrained ideas:
-why not have blizzards occur every few minutes to mix things up (maybe block the rader/map so it's easier for the AI to ambush you)
-why start off with FIFTY shells and not have to scavenge
-why not have blizzards occur every few minutes to mix things up (maybe block the rader/map so it's easier for the AI to ambush you)
-why start off with FIFTY shells and not have to scavenge