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RimWorld - Damned Colonists in Space

Jan 29, 2006
Delegating telepathy. Yes, no, maybe.
Codex USB, 2014
The only "mod" I use is my own patience at savescumming which is very effective in this game.
Savescum is great when you're trying out the game, but gets boring on repeat playthroughs. Try doing ironman run sometime, it's quite fun and the game is designed for it
Well, I play games to have fun and you might have noticed the themes of the game; transhumanism, cannibal stuff, pedo and other degenerate bait, it could be a satanic game, like most well known games are. I assume that the game is in its deep nature anti-fun and that it is designed to make you waste your time and or get you to become some kind of degenerate. I try to dodge this, by having fun despite what the game guns me. Gunnen is a Dutch word that means "wanting/allowing someone to have something".

I assume that the game does not want me as the player to have a lot because satanism always tries to inflict scarcity of some kind. The game has this "OOooh >Event< what ur gonna do nao huh?" attitude and it pisses me off. I love trains, but I hate being railroaded so I guess I've built some kind of branching interconnected figurative monorail or whatever using naught but the save function of this pretty fun game.

I have been trying out the game for three years now. I am almost 400 hours in, most of which were spent on this base. Once in a while I binge on it for the good part of a week in 20 hour sessions. I am not sure how long this session has been taking.

Lady Error

█▓▒░ ░▒▓█
Jan 21, 2021
Strap Yourselves In
Well, I play games to have fun and you might have noticed the themes of the game; transhumanism, cannibal stuff, pedo and other degenerate bait
Pretty sure most of that is in the latest update/DLC. I don't use that one or the Royal BS. The game is much better with custom mods I like.
Jan 29, 2006
Delegating telepathy. Yes, no, maybe.
Codex USB, 2014
Well, I play games to have fun and you might have noticed the themes of the game; transhumanism, cannibal stuff, pedo and other degenerate bait
Pretty sure most of that is in the latest update/DLC. I don't use that one or the Royal BS. The game is much better with custom mods I like.
I bet it is. With Rimworld I just haven't had the patience to sift through mods yet. A lot of patience for my save scum fu, but not for modding for now.
Jan 29, 2006
Delegating telepathy. Yes, no, maybe.
Codex USB, 2014
Van ruilen komt haulen.
I should have given this more context. Van ruilen komt huilen (From trading comes crying) is a Dutch proverb that I adapted for hauling.


I have to admit though, that my playstyle is bordering on pathological behaviour. I basically treat the game like some sort of quest reward slot machine with the reloads.

I also have 7 resurrector mech serums in my vault, but as soon as a single one of my now 25 (32 now because I'm going to get robbed) colonists dies I click reload.

I simply do not tolerate loss.

Going to stay quiet about my tendency to reload for shop stocks. I launch the ArchoKech in a pod, reload if I don't like what's in stock and farskip back to base with the goods if I do. It is becoming embarrassing.


May 13, 2018
Seems like the long anticipated Vehicles Framework mod is finally in early access for everyone to use.
Took so long, I think a lot of the modders that would have been using it have already quit playing the game.:lol:


Sep 3, 2006
Do you recommend some total overhaul mods? I saw there is a couple of such on steam workshop but no idea what's actually good, as they are all rated at 5 stars.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Do you recommend some total overhaul mods? I saw there is a couple of such on steam workshop but no idea what's actually good, as they are all rated at 5 stars.
I've only used one collection, Medieval Times, that did an alright job at making the game low tech. No electricity, no firearms. So no refrigeration, no batteries and no air conditioners, that' was the big difference. Made for a very different style of playing, since hoarding food was much harder, and temperatures more relevant.
I also remember making a zombie survival game, but that was me hand picking mods, rather than a collection. The core mod was spawning a swarm of zombies and on touch they could infect colonists, pretty brutal.


Sep 3, 2006
I will try that medieval mod, I hope they have added some new ways to preserve food. There's also some Warhammer Old World overhaul, might be fun to play as skaven


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I will try that medieval mod, I hope they have added some new ways to preserve food.
When I played, there was a way to cook food into some longer lasting stuff. Also there was rock salt, and barrels, to salt meat.
But I can't tell you if they were part of the core mod, or something I installed later. I downloaded a whole collection from the Steam Workshop.


Jun 30, 2019
I never had any issues
Remember Mad cow disease? It was a product of feeding cattle other cattle tissue in big farms. Eating the same kinds of proteins that are in your brain can lead to your body having issues differentiating between its own tissue and foreign tissue it ate.
That's not how it works. What caused Mad Cow disease was that a cow developed some form of the Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease – it can happen spontaneously, in people it's about 1 person per million per year. Problem is, if you eat it (brain and spinal cord in particular), there's a high chance you'll be infected, and they fed that cow to other cows, so they then developed the disease, and when they died, they were fed to yet more cows, and so on. It's the same as the Kuru disease in Papua New Guinea. The main solution to mad cow disease has been to stop feeding cattle to other cattle, and to incinerate the brain and spinal cord after slaughter.

Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi

Hoarder of loli kats./ Funny ^._.^= ∫
Mar 4, 2019
Codex+ Now Streaming!
He just did a co-relation with what happens to cows and a similar thing that happens with humans, you will get brain disease and die if u eat human meat in quantity and for prolonged periods of time.
Both affect the same area of the brain and are caused by a form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) caused by the transmission of abnormally folded proteins (prions), which leads to symptoms such as tremors and loss of coordination from neurodegeneration.


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
The only "mod" I use is my own patience at savescumming which is very effective in this game.
Savescum is great when you're trying out the game, but gets boring on repeat playthroughs. Try doing ironman run sometime, it's quite fun and the game is designed for it
Well, I play games to have fun and you might have noticed the themes of the game; transhumanism, cannibal stuff, pedo and other degenerate bait, it could be a satanic game, like most well known games are. I assume that the game is in its deep nature anti-fun and that it is designed to make you waste your time and or get you to become some kind of degenerate. I try to dodge this, by having fun despite what the game guns me. Gunnen is a Dutch word that means "wanting/allowing someone to have something".
Apart from transhumanism I pretty much seen nothing of what you talk about in all my playthroughs. I seen no cannibalism and I don't know what Pedo stuff you seen?
Jan 29, 2006
Delegating telepathy. Yes, no, maybe.
Codex USB, 2014
The only "mod" I use is my own patience at savescumming which is very effective in this game.
Savescum is great when you're trying out the game, but gets boring on repeat playthroughs. Try doing ironman run sometime, it's quite fun and the game is designed for it
Well, I play games to have fun and you might have noticed the themes of the game; transhumanism, cannibal stuff, pedo and other degenerate bait, it could be a satanic game, like most well known games are. I assume that the game is in its deep nature anti-fun and that it is designed to make you waste your time and or get you to become some kind of degenerate. I try to dodge this, by having fun despite what the game guns me. Gunnen is a Dutch word that means "wanting/allowing someone to have something".
Apart from transhumanism I pretty much seen nothing of what you talk about in all my playthroughs. I seen no cannibalism and I don't know what Pedo stuff you seen?
Cannibalism is definitely present in Rimworld. Although indeed not a theme of the game. I don't mean overt pedo stuff, but there is lots of stuff in Rimworld that "pedos would probably enjoy".

The worst stuff is from the expansions though. So if you've only played the base game then it is not as clear.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
kris I mean cannibalism was an option you have to dive a little bit to find in vanilla but the Ideology expansion has the precept right there next to polygamy, face coverings, and the death penalty.


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
The only "mod" I use is my own patience at savescumming which is very effective in this game.
Savescum is great when you're trying out the game, but gets boring on repeat playthroughs. Try doing ironman run sometime, it's quite fun and the game is designed for it
Well, I play games to have fun and you might have noticed the themes of the game; transhumanism, cannibal stuff, pedo and other degenerate bait, it could be a satanic game, like most well known games are. I assume that the game is in its deep nature anti-fun and that it is designed to make you waste your time and or get you to become some kind of degenerate. I try to dodge this, by having fun despite what the game guns me. Gunnen is a Dutch word that means "wanting/allowing someone to have something".
Apart from transhumanism I pretty much seen nothing of what you talk about in all my playthroughs. I seen no cannibalism and I don't know what Pedo stuff you seen?
Cannibalism is definitely present in Rimworld. Although indeed not a theme of the game. I don't mean overt pedo stuff, but there is lots of stuff in Rimworld that "pedos would probably enjoy".

The worst stuff is from the expansions though. So if you've only played the base game then it is not as clear.
I have the two expansion bar "Royality" which didn't seem interesting. I am not sure about the "pedo comment," what exactly would pedos enjoy in the game?
I know there IS cannibalism in the game, but I am saying that I never actually seen it in any of my games.
Jan 29, 2006
Delegating telepathy. Yes, no, maybe.
Codex USB, 2014
The only "mod" I use is my own patience at savescumming which is very effective in this game.
Savescum is great when you're trying out the game, but gets boring on repeat playthroughs. Try doing ironman run sometime, it's quite fun and the game is designed for it
Well, I play games to have fun and you might have noticed the themes of the game; transhumanism, cannibal stuff, pedo and other degenerate bait, it could be a satanic game, like most well known games are. I assume that the game is in its deep nature anti-fun and that it is designed to make you waste your time and or get you to become some kind of degenerate. I try to dodge this, by having fun despite what the game guns me. Gunnen is a Dutch word that means "wanting/allowing someone to have something".
Apart from transhumanism I pretty much seen nothing of what you talk about in all my playthroughs. I seen no cannibalism and I don't know what Pedo stuff you seen?
Cannibalism is definitely present in Rimworld. Although indeed not a theme of the game. I don't mean overt pedo stuff, but there is lots of stuff in Rimworld that "pedos would probably enjoy".

The worst stuff is from the expansions though. So if you've only played the base game then it is not as clear.
I have the two expansion bar "Royality" which didn't seem interesting. I am not sure about the "pedo comment," what exactly would pedos enjoy in the game?
You are right that there isn't a lot. I guess I was just pissed about the many quests I got that consisted of just a single child joining followed by pirates or a mechanoid cluster. There is probably more pedo bait in the game, but I can not remember it now. I have to admit that I just assume that it is in there a lot because I am convinced that our world is under control by satanists and that it is nigh impossible to reach a certain level of success or influence without ritualistically raping and murdering people, especially children, for some satanic organization (like freemasonry, mafia or a lot of other criminal organizations, some college fraternities) of which there are probably a lot.
I probably said it because I do not want to deal with children and yet the game throws them at me constantly. I have a black female in my colony that breeds like some sort of rabbit, she has 4 kids. I also could not bring myself to skip a quest which consisted of a woman traveling with seven children (she was also pregnant) for moral reasons. This annoyed me a lot, but I guess a pedo would have enjoyed it.

Also have you noticed the ages of raiders and such? They are often very young and if you capture them you could treat them horribly. This is realistic within the setting and I am okay with it, but it does come across as pedo bait sometimes.


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
Ages are random as far as I know I seldom see really young raiders, though I think a patch removed children raiders (age cut-off was?).

I feel like you imagine a bit to much about this, if anything the creator didn't seem to keen to include children, but did out of popular demand.
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