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RimWorld - Damned Colonists in Space


Jun 7, 2020
I get that it's supposed to be some sort of parody, but for meat raised cattle, there is absolutely no good reason to give them a ridiculously long lifespan.


Jun 3, 2005
Serious question, how people don't get bored quick in this game? my god this game is seriously not fun.
That's the way it's supposed to be. Like in DF, if you're having fun, you've done something very wrong and now fun is ensuing. You don't have fun, fun has you.


Head Codexian Weeb
Nov 14, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I've been saving starting the mechanitor quest for the right time... Today was it.

The mechs took on part of the invading mi-go raid horde, giving me an easier time.



Dec 17, 2022
Serious question, how people don't get bored quick in this game? my god this game is seriously not fun.
Add mods. There's a mod for practically everything. I generally have 3 builds:

Classical/medieval only setup: Lots of food & drink variety mods, slavery mods (especially the one where they rebel as a group when they actually have a chance, instead of randomly), the artsy ones that let your pawns do plays and more sculptures/paintings, and the one where you can turn your base into a bar/hotel for travellers. My Roman outpost's economy is fuelled purely by drugs and no guest leaves without a crippling opium addiction!

Industrial/modern day: Remove all space stuff, add lots of medical, artillery, helicopter and fortification mods. Is there a mod that lets your Apache drop napalm bombs on attackers? Sure is! But the real nastiness comes when you break out the nerve gas artillery shells so you take over the enemy base intact. Hope you brought the gas masks!

Sci-fi: The vanilla game is pretty close to this, so just quality of life things mostly. Especially the energy ones like the one where you can build sci-fi nuclear reactors and have super energy weapons. I'm always tempted to try out the 'this spaceship is your base now, fly around the universe and don't go in the airlock without a suit' mod (save our ship) but it's so buggy according to comments that I haven't yet.


Nov 17, 2020
Serious question, how people don't get bored quick in this game? my god this game is seriously not fun.
No, you're not fun. Rimworld is really, really, really entertaining. I even avoid playing it because i get too hooked on it and spend a little too much time on it. You can do whatever you want in this game, and there's some really great mods to expand your possibilities even beyond

I generally have 3 builds:
I enjoy being a cybernetic enhanced clan that feast on tribals and launch nuclear ICBMs on their primitive villages for fun

The antropophagic nuclear cyber utopia is real and i revel on it
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Serious question, how people don't get bored quick in this game? my god this game is seriously not fun.
If I try to play the game again I get terribly bored fast, but I managed to put a lot of time into it before. If you don't find it fun at all, idk, maybe your brain is broken.


Jun 3, 2005
Well, your problem is that you have a short attention span and bounce from whatever game is apparently paying you to shill it right now to the next.


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
I wanted to try the game again and had a bit of a reaction to the outrageous price of the DLC.

Did paradox buy these guys too?


Dec 17, 2022
I wanted to try the game again and had a bit of a reaction to the outrageous price of the DLC.

Did paradox buy these guys too?
Sort of? They bought Prison Architect, which was been pushing out unnecessary DLC (and bugs, in what used to be a bug free game...) ever since.

Rimworld's latest DLC (Biotech) was too much even for the fans though, especially when people noticed the main features were already well covered by very popular (free) mods. If you haven't bought it yet, skip the DLC and download What the Hack and Vanilla Genetics Expanded to get those features. Cue endless debates about how it's better to have that content in as part of (paid) DLC instead of (free) mods, because stability, bugs, blah, blah.

Also, adding children in a game where you can harvest humans for their skin and make a couch out of them is a strange move, especially after you got up on your preachy pulpit for years about how you were never going to add children to your game because you know your fans do horrible things to anything in the game.


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Does it still play okay with just the royalty DLC? Worried that it will be gimped now if I don't hand over the cash.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Does it still play okay with just the royalty DLC? Worried that it will be gimped now if I don't hand over the cash.
I recently bought Ideology and Biotech. I haven't used Biotech at all* but Ideology is worth the $ in my opinion.

*I mean, I notice that there are pig men and cat girls now instead of just mainline humans, but it isn't a real factor in the experience. If you wanted to get into it I could see getting into it.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
I'd buy biotech for the kids alone, the alien/furry shit is probably meh, the mechs are waaaay overplayed at this point. The royalty content always looked like weird shit to me. I hate psyonics so I'm biased.


Dec 17, 2022
I'd buy biotech for the kids alone, the alien/furry shit is probably meh, the mechs are waaaay overplayed at this point. The royalty content always looked like weird shit to me. I hate psyonics so I'm biased.
There's a mod for that already. Children, School & Learning. Everyone thought it'd be Royalty - Ideology - Mobility to finally add something besides pack animals to travel the world with, but instead it was a repack of what was out there in the mods.

Speaking of world travel, I recently found out there's even one where you can lay railroad tracks on the world map and ship goods between settlements by train.

Another one for only buying Ideology btw. That seems to be the consensus among people not buying every DLC as it comes out. It adds actual different playstyles, etc. Although some of them seem pretty dead-end (now we'll be a society that ritually pokes their own eyes out and we hate anyone who isn't blind! But we can still kind of see, I guess?)


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
I'd buy biotech for the kids alone, the alien/furry shit is probably meh, the mechs are waaaay overplayed at this point. The royalty content always looked like weird shit to me. I hate psyonics so I'm biased.
There's a mod for that already. Children, School & Learning. Everyone thought it'd be Royalty - Ideology - Mobility to finally add something besides pack animals to travel the world with, but instead it was a repack of what was out there in the mods.

Speaking of world travel, I recently found out there's even one where you can lay railroad tracks on the world map and ship goods between settlements by train.
True. All I wanted in the game now is vehicles.


Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
I guess there's mods that let you get a transport shuttle for the player already?

Royalty is a nice DLC, the psionics are op but cool and the empire might be a bit silly but fun to deal with. Ideology was a letdown, being able to enslave people is nice but the religion part is a mixed bag, everyone zealously believing all parts of their faith no questions asked is silly, ideology should be more than just mood boosts for following dogma. Like first you hate nutrient paste, then a guy converts you and you suddenly love it? To give a basic example. I guess the rituals are ok too. Didn't buy the new one, seemed messy with the catboys and all though the mech boss battles could be fun.
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Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
That looks way too high tech, seems there's a simpler option


Idk how balanced or anything that is, haven't played it. But nice for lategame ease of use probably. Early on it's still gotta do the transport pods built at a quest site for fast travel, with all the hassle that entails.

How's everyone feeling about the Biotech in general? Is managing kids / furries / whatever else it adds actually interesting? As said haven't bought it but also haven't played the game since its release at all


these images of the children being raised by furries in pastel vomit colored nursery rooms seems super gay and not fitting for a small frontier setting at all. Is it possible to raise your kids in a non-homo way?
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