I'm not sure a spammable public poll that requires no registration which also has its link posted to places like twitter and reddit for some ridiculous reason can in any sane sense be deemed an authoritative take of the RPG Codex's tastes. Especially when you factor in felipepepe's dubious standards for what constitutes a legitimate vote (if you only rated 1 game in the poll because it's the only one of those games you played that year, felipe throws your vote out as obviously fake, but if you've played 30+ of these obscure garbage games, then obviously your vote is totally legitimate under his expert gaze) and other weird standards for inclusion on his list and so forth.
Felipepepe also expresses a persistent skepticism that a single person might vote anywhere from a dozen to a hundred times on his poll (and promises that he can totally spot it when people do that, which I'm sure he can't unless someone is retarded enough to chain-vote from the same IP each time as opposed to using proxies or to use completely identical voting slates each time) even though his poll makes absolutely zero effort to require any form of authentication and is in fact extremely easy to spam. Ergo, felipepepe eyeballs a lot of shit when pruning the submissions and is running a garbage poll flooded with illegitimate votes for something that purports to be a Codex GOTY poll.
So the poll is hot garbage and doesn't count as an official GOTY or anything. I don't have anything against felipepepe, but I do have something against these ridiculously awful polls which some retards insist on calling authoritative takes on RPG Codex consensus.