Now, this one has an underlying assumption: that a group of people identified by their skin colour also share a taste in music. I.e., when you're asking this, you're no longer addressing the girl as an individual likely to have her own tastes in music, but as a member of an amorphous mass which all listens to the same kind of music. That assumption right there is ray-cist.
This statement is true only in a universe, where conception, notion of "people" or "tribes" and "race" doesn't exist at all.
In our universe there are people and tribes and races.
You know, Afghans doesn't have different tastes in music, they doesn't discuss who is better - Beyonce or Katy Perry, they only listen their tribal music, and you know - they live in tribes, today, in 21 century.
Also Gypsies doesn't have different music - they have their own music and their own way of life, that is quite different and is well recognized by anyone who had pleasure to meet them.
So, appeal to one person as a representative of a group has nothing to do with racism, Nazism and fascism, because for representative of one tribe or people person from different tribe is a person from different tribe first.
If we talk about Negros, as race they lived in openly tribalism just yesterday in historical and anthropological terms, and still they live like that, I think.
Everyone heard and agree that there are "black music" and "black culture" in general as a music and culture that bearing specific traits, widely recognized among all.
Different people, tribes and races do have different culture and tastes in music, entertainment etc.
For shits and giggles, substitute "white" for "black:"
"You're white."
"So, what kind of music do you people listen to these days?"
Doesn't make much sense, does it?
And the only reason it is true is that people of whte race are highly denationalized today, that's simple and obvious explanation. They are exposed to daily, yearly propaganda for decades.
Being a part of your own nation today presented as being fascist, racist and all bad words you know, but this propaganda strangely enough adressed only to whites.
That's why they hear different music, also globalisation serve that purpose.
Communists, or Liberals, or radical feminists can and do harbour fascist thoughts.
It is, like very broad generalisation.
In reality Communism, at least USSR type has nothing in common with Nazism, fascism etc, because you can't find any country where Communism coexisted with Nazism or fascism - they always fought with each other, which empirically indicate their opposites.
And in the same time if you do the same with Liberalism, you'll find inetersting results. But that's another long talk.
Fascism is founded around the idea of Blut und Boden; a big-N Nation, an essential, organic, and indivisible whole, an entity with its own characteristics, its own interests, its own historical destiny.
Nope, it is Nazism.
Nazism is a a special case of fascism, Nazism is about racial superiority, while fascism formulates as superiority of one group of people that share some trait over another or all other, no matter which trait it is - sex, race, sexual orientation, wealth, historical roots or something.
Feminism is a fascism e.g.
US theory about its historical superiority and "mission" to lead, specify the path etc. is a fascism too, but it is a long Anglo-Saxon political tradition.
Same with religion - whatever relegion teach that those who practice it are higher in some senses then other is fascistic religion.
Dividing people into such essential and indivisible nations isn't just incidental to Fascism, it's the foundation-stone upon which the whole edifice is built. So "what kind of music do you people listen to these days" is an inherently fascist thought, even if that thought alone is a long way from making you a Fascist.
Dividing people into such essential and indivisible nations is a natural way of thinking and usual common sense.
Also I don't get what you mean under "indivisible nations".
Bro, if negatively stereotyping a person based on their skin colour is not racism, then what is?
First what is negative stereotyping, and how you recognize it is negative or positive?
Also, stereotyping is a function of brain, it is a mechanism that help to proccess large portion of informaton or insufficient information, it is desgned for systematixation of surrounding world.
Stereotyping is great mechanism that help to make decisions fast with minimum mystakes.
So stereotyping is not racism.
We can conduct an experiment.
I'll give you 10 pictures of cat, and you will tell us what you see and what you think they like to eat, and what's like their behavior.
Then I'll call you rasics because you, well - using stereotypes! Maybe even the negative ones, I'm not sure yet.
Besides, the point here isn't even so much about the generalization, but rather that the PC sees a black person, and immediately categorizes them as "you people" based on their skin colour.
And how he must categorize it? As "we people"? White man?
Why categorazing based on skin color is wrong?
That is also pretty close to fundamentally racist
This conclusion have no logic in it.
The question isn't "is it sane?" but "is it racism?"*
This formulation is not correct.
It is a sane behavior of sane man, thus it can't be related to rasism.
All you can do with it - it is to gouge your eyes, or pretend that belonging to another race, people or tribe doesn't mean anything, and that Somali neighbor will be the same as old Herr Schtrudel - quiet, tactful and polite.
Which is so laughable and pity.