your false sense of self entitlement.
I know it's trendy with manchildren of all ages to use nice, beefy expressions; i do. You know what isn't very trendy? Reading comprehension. Children need to read first, think afterwards and reply last.
There are many sites out there that have "guest writers"/anonymous "articles" and so on. Not coincidentally, they're all shit. All of them.
we shit? No. Will be become shit? Sincerely doubting it.
That however does
not negate our just having set a bad precedent. Unlike what you think in that teenage brain of yours, we are all interlinked. The same thinking, practices, you call it, people tend to have one place, they tend to in another. Human nature.
Do not mistake your 'prestigious' Codexian gaming preferences with human nature. My using the term precedent was not accidental. That we hold different games in high esteem, does not make us any different (in everyday practices, life, etc) than most.
And to prove to you how shallow your thinking/mentality is, let me also address your last part. Our "secret agent" you say wanted anonymity because he fears being called a cuck.
First of all, if one is so immature so as to fear other peoples' opinion, the fault lies in that person, not the audience. It's in his head.
Secondly, what and how you are judged by is
your actions. You do it right, you respond to the criticism right and you'll always, always be fine here.
If you can't stand being yourself (figuratively), in the Internet of all places (anonymous, safe), gimme a fucking break and go kill yourself. Don't white knight unnamed "secret agents", not with me. Leave SJWing for other, younger folks.
And as to self entitlement; if you think someone's voicing a disagreement or reminding of bad practices (as seen elsewhere) relates to entitlement!? You need stop jerking off and playing games and get some fucking life into ya. The real kind.
This interview is not a Master or PhD thesis and neither a study on the subject of inXile, therefore it has no need for a revealed identity of the conducting interviewer (which is also not a necessity in double blind and tripple blind studies). It is just an interview with the only necessary revealed identity of the questioned persons / interviewee. Many authors use a pseudonym or act as ghost writers for other personas, and in some cases the identity of the writer remains unknown or questionable, even for the very important works in history. Names do not guarantee quality, and quality does not guarantee a name.
1) I know it's trendy with manchildren of all ages to use nice, beefy expressions; i do. You know what isn't very trendy? Reading comprehension. Children need to read first, think afterwards and reply last.
2) Unlike what you think in that teenage brain of yours, we are all interlinked.
3) And to prove to you how shallow your thinking/mentality is, let me also address your last part. Our "secret agent" you say wanted anonymity because he fears being called a cuck. First of all, if one is so immature so as to fear other peoples' opinion, the fault lies in that person, not the audience. It's in his head.
4) If you can't stand being yourself (figuratively), in the Internet of all places (anonymous, safe), gimme a fucking break and go kill yourself.
5) Don't white knight unnamed "secret agents", not with me. Leave SJWing for other, younger folks.
6) You need stop jerking off and playing games and get some fucking life into ya. The real kind.
Are you are fucking retarded?
As you have proposed i will judge you by your actions : which is insulting ( i would skip over this, if it was smart or had an certain esprit ) and false conclusions.
1) Your just assume that i didn't understand what you wrote. Not a Part of the Premise 1: But i will show that you fail on all accounts, like that you didn't understand why i wrote the post and why i have used you just as an example, without especially referring to you. And why your psychological analysis, of me and my motivation of the entire post, fails.
2) You are are talking about an abstract concept without the knowledge of what a system and what interaction between the variables of the system are. And you call me a teenager, which per se is just retarded to do, without any evidence.
3) You assume a depth of my statement without thinking about ( perception -> action ) => consequences, and why a person would avoid this cycle, especially here where there are no standards concerning behavior. And also why people would like to remain anonymous for the reason of not influencing the behavior towards them, just because they did something that other find good / bad or expected / unexpected.
Just as an invented example: If i would be a game developer (which i'm not) i would never reveal here who i am, because i would rather have the unfiltered and uninfluenced opinion here about me and my statements and my work. People here act like dogs, around game devs, and try to lick their ass, at least in some cases.
4) The live on internet can have also real live consequences, good or bad. People have lost their jobs, friends and families over stupid comments in internet, and therefore it is childish to assume that anonymity on internet is shit. Doxing is for a good reason a defined term. Btw.: You are also using a Pseudonym and not your real name.
5) Ohhh the language of millennials that have been red pilled ( sarcastic joke about your used terms ). I do not white knight somebody, but respect/notice their personal wishes, as long as their wishes are not influencing my private sphere and the wishes belongs to their own private sphere. Do you understand the terminology of 'respect/notice" and 'private sphere'? Think about the sentence "live and let live" carefully, and let it sink deeper into your mind. Btw are you that old to be senile?
While we are here in a public sphere, our true identities belong to our private shere, but in some cases this may also apply for our pseudonyms. The person might have also this reason: inXile knows the true identity of the interviewer. Perhaps the interviewer doesn't want, that inXile knows his Codex identity? If you have both identities you can doxx someone, and this may not be in the interest of the interviewer. Currently only the Codex's most inner circle has both identities and sadly Overlord has committed ones the mistake of unintentional doxing someone.
6) An answer to this is retarded, and therefore i ask myself how retarded you gotta be to write it down?
Btw. my motivation for the post was to show that people here often result in name calling and insulting instead of presenting examples and evidence for their statements, which by the way was also evident by your posts, and now you have verified me two times. So while i ask for certain standards with just a small hint, you just talk about them out of your ass with some long platitudes.
Therefore your psychological analysis fails concerning my motivation to write it down and using your post as a simple example and in your estimation of my age and etc.
In other words: while i solve differential equations and analyze agents interacting in a changing environment, you fail in analytical psychology.
And btw.: i'm over 35 and have a family with my own offspring ( verified by gen analysis ).