After this joke review, a la Roguey, where's the real review? I want to read something not written by a clown.
I am currently penning a 10-page dissertation on the problematic social implications of Pillars of Eternity. Your interest is welcomed.
After this joke review, a la Roguey, where's the real review? I want to read something not written by a clown.
I am currently penning a 10-page dissertation on the problematic social implications of Pillars of Eternity. Your interest is welcomed.
After this joke review, a la Roguey, where's the real review? I want to read something not written by a clown.
I am currently penning a 10-page dissertation on the problematic social implications of Pillars of Eternity. Your interest is welcomed.
10-page dissertation? 10 pages is barely an essay, where I come from...
After this joke review, a la Roguey, where's the real review? I want to read something not written by a clown.
I am currently penning a 10-page dissertation on the problematic social implications of Pillars of Eternity. Your interest is welcomed.
10-page dissertation? 10 pages is barely an essay, where I come from...
After this joke review, a la Roguey, where's the real review? I want to read something not written by a clown.
I am currently penning a 10-page dissertation on the problematic social implications of Pillars of Eternity. Your interest is welcomed.
10-page dissertation? 10 pages is barely an essay, where I come from...
True, my master's dissertation had 70 pages and that is considered short. I'm able to convey content in short space, maybe Zeriel is 7 times better at that.
After this joke review, a la Roguey, where's the real review? I want to read something not written by a clown.
I am currently penning a 10-page dissertation on the problematic social implications of Pillars of Eternity. Your interest is welcomed.
10-page dissertation? 10 pages is barely an essay, where I come from...
True, my master's dissertation had 70 pages and that is considered short. I'm able to convey content in short space, maybe Zeriel is 7 times better at that.
True. Maybe it's a tl;dr kind of dissertation. Or a haiku dissertation.
You do get loot, and you do get money, and for some fights you do gain XP - actually, I am failing to figure out when killing is giving XP and when it is not.
Which is the worst Obsidian game, according to you then? Curious really, haven't played all of them.This is the way I tend to look at these things. You can still really enjoy something while acknowledging its flaws. For some people, the flaws may be enough for them not to like it, while others will still like it despite its flaws. We don't need to ignore the flaws just because we like something.
The problem is that for Roxor this is the worst Obsidian game that ever came out, which is just ridiculous.
So no Codex tweet about this review yet?
This can't be the official review of POE from the codex right?
This can't be the official review of POE from the codex right?
So it isn't valid, unless it's official?
What if this review is more agreeable to your taste? Would you even ask this question then?
So no Codex tweet about this review yet?
All tweets have to be cleared with Crooked Bee, and she's currently absent.
After this joke review, a la Roguey, where's the real review? I want to read something not written by a clown.
You also address none of the actual points in the review that you have a problem with. It is simply another attempt to dismiss it entirely because of one difference in opinion.
That isn't a "problem." That is simply someone having a different opinion than you.
That's nothing unexpected, really. What I find more baffling is how quite a few people casually admit that the review is right and the game has shit character system, shit combat, shit encounters, shit loot and shit quests, but is a good crpg that they enjoyed.Lots of butthurt fanboys ITT who don't actually have any arguments against the review other than "b-but it's AWESOME!" When did Codex turn into BSN?
After this joke review, a la Roguey, where's the real review? I want to read something not written by a clown.
You just admitted to the fact that you didn't read it. Are you really that insecure that you feel the need to whine about something that you didn't read, just because it might have a different opinion than you? There are tons of echo chambers for you to become a part of on the internet. Go for it and revel in the lack of critical thought.
Y'all are a bunch of silly fuckboys.
Talking about the original BG games like they are some kind of masterworks that Pillars of Eternity pales in comparison to.
The BG games are shit. They are fun but they are shit. Everyone knows they're shit. Stop with the convenient forgetfulness. Bitches couldn't have worse writing, had non-existent encounter design (particularly in the first one) and linear bullshit plots. PoE is way better.
This shit comes out and you shitfuckers are salivating all over how good it is. A month or two on and now it is time to type up epic, overlong bullshit posts about how it is the worst ever.
Fuck off with that shit you fuckstains it's a decent game. Definitely not the worst Obsidian has ever done claiming that is some serious try-hard shit.
It's a pretty fun game. Better than Wasteland 2 and I enjoy the writing more than Original Sin, though OS's combat was significantly better.
At least it has better combat than the bore-fests that were Arcanum and Faggout 1 and 2 Xtra Edgy Pornstar Edition.