felipepepe made me think about my PoE "experience", and
Ramireza triggered (

)me with this...
I didn't play the IE games that extensively, roughly one playthrough per game, with the exception of IWD and PST, which I played a couple of times. I did play NWN and NWN2 some more, because I was older and getting more into RPGs, and yet I never really replayed the old goldies, yet NWN/NWN2 are not really IE games, and I feel they can't really be put in the same category. The IE game that I played more recently is PST (5 years ago maybe?). Admittedly, I wasn't too fond of those IE games, back then: at the time I was more into FPS (competitively, which took up a lot of time, passion and dedication) and space/flight simulators (which weren't dead yet, and also were huge time-sinkholes). I played them because they were "big" titles, and my friends recommended them to me, plus I was kinda keen on d&d/FR so that made sense.
My point being, I am playing PoE and I realize I'm not really getting any nostalgia-boners, not because of its inability to provide me one, but because I am not approaching the game with any kind of "bias". I'm not expecting it to be as good as some other game, nor to remind me of them. It
does remind me of them, but as I mentioned, it's because it's in the same genre and style, and because my knowledge of the goldies is so shallow ( :self-shuntheinfidel: ) that there's not really much in my memories to build a proper comparison upon.
And still the game manages to be disappointing in its own right. I honestly don't remember how much fun I had with BG2 or IWD, or how hard was the combat, or how epic the quests. The only vague memories I have are from PST, and they're mostly writing-related: quest design, plot, actual quality of the writing. And even in the case of PST, my mind doesn't really go "PST-did-it-better" every time I read a paragraph in PoE, or every time a quest goes full-out-retard. I do notice the average-to-mediocre writing quality, and I do notice the retardation of some quests, but those are details I acknowledge in their own right, not just in comparison to some "ideal game" myth that has been branded into the back of my skull.
I don't think I'm the only one, and I don't think that the Codex is mostly shitting all over PoE just because it compares unfavourably to the old IE games. I think PoE is being shat upon because it does deserve it, IE-legacy or not. Of course, the fact that Obsidian played the "IE-games legacy" card a few times before release, for marketing purposes, surely doesn't help the cause, but again, PoE would still be a mediocre game, oustanding only in its un-gloriousness.