I should have clarified Neverwinter Nights 2, not the original. When Sawyer took over the design of NWN2, there was deliberate intention to place more focus in the single player campaign, compared to its predecessor. The addition of companions and full party control was a step closer to the Baldur's Gate model. Many disappointed fans complained that it played more like Baldur's Gate than NWN, and cited an underwhelming multiplayer support and lack of persistent worlds.
But Dragon Age easily beasts PoE in that regard. I really loved being able to create a hot girl in character creation. It was the most advanced character creation I'd ever seen. I could actually create a beautiful female face from scratch. Clearly superior to PoE in that respect and PS:T as well.PoE pretty clearly beats PS:T on build variety and character creation options.
I really loved being able to create a hot girl in character creation. It was the most advanced character creation I'd ever seen. I could actually create a beautiful female face from scratch. Clearly superior to PoE in that respect and PS:T as well.
Bioware did not make NWN2
Comparing it to the games it set out to imitate: BG1, IWD, and PS:T, seems like a more obvious comparison to me. Comparing it to trash like DA and then saying that people making the comparison proves that it's equally as shit is circular reasoning. In other words, you could be right (you're not), but your argument is shit. If you still don't get it, google is your friend.
Since it seems that you may be specifically referring to me show me where *I* actually make that circular argument. I think you are the one who needs Google. I never made any such argument. All I have done is pointed out the obvious comparison just because it's so fucking obvious and a lot more fair to PoE. It doesn't look like such a bad game when compared to Dragon Age does it? I mean ffs comparing it to games like Planescape: Torment, which by your argument this game *should* be compared to is just absurd. And comparisons to BG1 and IWD1 are not much better.
I love how the bar for this game is steadily dropping... First it was expected to be the next BG2 and rated 10/10 on release, then everyone was arguing about it's merits relative to BG1 with most people seeming to think it was mostly a bad imitation, and now the point of comparison has dropped to DAO, which it is apparently a worse version of... Never has the decline been so quick.![]()
...and then continued pushing the DA:O to PoE comparison incessantly. They feel the same to you and you don't like either one very much, I get it. PoE feels nothing like the IE games to you of course, because you like those games. The comparison to the games that it set out to imitate is anything but absurd, but you're welcome to continue thinking that it is.I realize that this is totally off topic (haha like that matters here) but with all of these favorable DA:O to PoE comparisons maybe another look at that game would be in order. I could never get past the the area or city right after slogging through the initial wilderness area with all those boring identical monsters. I can't remember if it was the annoyance of all the incessant trash mobs before it and then again after it or the annoying constant cooldowns or some other annoyance that I no longer remember. Are there now any mods or cheats that reduce or eliminate the trash mobs and cooldowns or whatever other annoyances made me ragequit and rageuninstall that mess of a game? I always heard that some of the fights against dragons etc were kind of fun but never got that far due to the unendurable boredom of the initial combat.
ITT, idiots who hate PoE forcefully drawing comparisons between PoE and DA:O in order to insult PoE, and then using the fact that everyone is supposedly comparing them to say how much PoE sucks. Talk about circular reasoning.
I love how the bar for this game is steadily dropping... First it was expected to be the next BG2 and rated 10/10 on release, then everyone was arguing about it's merits relative to BG1 with most people seeming to think it was mostly a bad imitation, and now the point of comparison has dropped to DAO, which it is apparently a worse version of... Never has the decline been so quick.![]()
Bioware did not make NWN2
Sigh. Okay Dorateen. Fair enough. Did Obsidian actually market the game as a spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate series? Did they actually at any time invite such a comparison or is it just your opinion that that is what it was?
Some of the tryhards and fanboys are delusional.Only thing Pillars have over Origins is the graphics and art presentation,and even that manage to piss me off when I can't see shit in battle,behind trees and where is the guy I selected.
Of course I pushed the DA:O comparison because I'm a retard.
Man, Dragon Age has cooldowns and four people party, PoE has full party and vancian... It doesn't stop it being dull as fuck but its something.Only thing Pillars have over Origins is the graphics and art presentation,and even that manage to piss me off when I can't see shit in battle,behind trees and where is the guy I selected.
Man, Dragon Age has cooldowns and four people party, PoE has full party and vancian... It doesn't stop it being dull as fuck but its something.Only thing Pillars have over Origins is the graphics and art presentation,and even that manage to piss me off when I can't see shit in battle,behind trees and where is the guy I selected.
Especially since the graphics are probably quite a bit better than PoE.
Man, Dragon Age has cooldowns and four people party, PoE has full party and vancian... It doesn't stop it being dull as fuck but its something.Only thing Pillars have over Origins is the graphics and art presentation,and even that manage to piss me off when I can't see shit in battle,behind trees and where is the guy I selected.