some member i don't even remember the name wrote that dos2 dialed down the environmental and elemental hazard, i.e. the things that made dos1 combat good.
It's more or less what Tigranes said. On the one hand they are ramped up because there's a metric fuckton of them, but on the other they are dialed down because muh force fields.
One thing that I think they improved on from the first D:OS was the quest design.
Maybe it's cuz of the long break between playing and revioowan, but when I was writing it and opened the journal to scan for quests that were interesting or which I'd remember to be gud, nothing stood out
![:M :M :M](/forums/smiles/bird.gif)
so I opted not to mention it at all for safety reasons lest alzheimer's make me write INCORRECT, INAUTHENTIC FACTS.
O rly, I totally didn't see that coming after the first two tiny paragraphs on the character system.
im full of surprises
It begs the question what exactly is the problem here. Are the attributes not interesting enough if you look at the game as a combat simulator (which isn't a problem for many people but for you)? Or is it that the attibutes are entirely gamey and not simulationist (which isn't a problem for many people but for me)?
The problem is that every stat is the exact same (boring) thing but with a different name, so you are not dropping points into X, Y, Z but into Xa, Xb, Xc. With shit like this you might as well drop the character system altogether, and the game would probably be better off for it.
Did you use magic to solve any puzzles, and if yes how frequently, and how obvious was this solution?
Oh this is actually a gr8 thing in itself that I didn't mention because I had no good place to squeeze it into.
Puzzles are solved by activating your Witcher Vision (tm) and following the superobvious cues it gives you.
You know you're reading a Roxor review scribbled on toilet paper when skills are written off with a few sentences.
I was writing this revio from the perspective of someone who knows the first game, so I didn't dwell too much on things near-identical to it, because it would just clog things up. If you skipped dos1 and are thus confoos, tough luck.
Just what is so terrible about a hidden mechanic remains unclear though, I mean you could make the connection between Strength and intimidation after all.
The problem is you're making blind choices based on an opaque (
not "hidden") mechanic, while said choices can bar you from progressing in a quest. Because, from memory, multiple quests in DOS2 hinge on a single persuasion chokepoint somewhere, and if you fail that all you have left is going guns blazung.
You don't even give a list of what 'civil' skills there are, contrary to your detailed run-down on combat skills.
and yet i dont give a list of combat skills either
also see an earlier point
All Larian games have always had unbalanced abilities and, before D:OS, shit combat, so those must be fine too.
this is not a review of all larian games
A lot of people took offense to the pure silliness of D:OS, whch was so whack out of place with the whole supposed epicness it caused you seizures trying to reconcile the two in your head. Jerry Lewis playing King Lear in a Dan Aronofsky film couldn't be half as cringey.
I see I must reiterate because mentioning this once was not enough:
A lot of people took offence to the silliness of DOS because it was badly written and badly placed. Divinity 2's ratio of lulz to epix is about equal to DOS1, but there it's inserted in just the right moments and written competently, so it's funny and not stupid (for fuck's sake it has
power rangers). These "a lot of people" are focusing on the trees when there's a forest to be seen, but it's not exactly something uncommon.
Btw I don't know if you've ever played Divine Divinity, high fantasy but still down to Earth flair, not even remotely the later Larian goofiness, on par with Ultima VII for homour.
I did in fact play DivDiv. You are correct that it's the most down to earth of the Larian games, but let's not forget that the first thing you encounter after leaving starter town is a black knight with an existential crisis.
Uuuhhh, excuse me? I know it's acceptable on the Kodex to dismiss any writing with the words 'it sucks' and gain 50 Kool Kredits in the process. But just for the off-chance you want anyone else to read this crap, as does happen nowadays, you may want to lay off the edge a bit... a lot, and actually share some details about the writing.
I'd think at the very least the bit about animal abuse would be a good example of stupid grimdarkery.
A question I've asked people who have played the game is "could you identify any MCA in the game, and how much of it is there?", for example. I mean you had someone like Chris working alongside wet-eared nu-humans, it should be possible to see some stark contrasts.
Ah, the MCA in DOS2 meme. Spoiler, MCA didn't write shit for this game. He only came up with a backstory for one of the origin characters (Fane), but only that - he didn't even write it.
Dude, I didn't know you're that kind of prude. Or rather, you come across like the classical conservative, who doesn't give a shit about ethics but simply doesn't want to be bothered with things he doesn't want to think about.
If this is what you mean by 'grimdark', that sex and violence are treated in prose form rather than as 'tasteful cutscenes', bro, that's actually a good thing.
There's a question of taste, scale and competence. When it comes to taste, those bits are cringefests of the worst Biowarian kind. When it's scale, they are all over the place, and often unavoidable or coming out of the blue. As for competence, when a bit like this comes up, I shouldn't be shaking my head and thinking "what is wrong with you, writer", I should be thinking "that was fucked up, but p. cool". Clive Barker is fucked up but cool. DOS2 is a dog humping your leg.
OTOH ham-fisted reviewing using broad strokes offers a great opportunity to re-re-re-review the game after it has received the updates and expansions that have already been confirmed by Larian. I'm holding my breath for a "it's slightly less shit now but still shit, you could enjoy it if you're dumb, I sank 100 hours into it but it was a pain" Roxor verdict in the coming months.
hurr durr o u got me here
Is the hell-hamster trying to tell me that my hopes for another DOS1 with non-random loot, a solid story, non-idiotic writing and less of a drop in content-quality in the second half of the game were indeed rather foolish?
except i believe the hell-hamster doesn't ascribe any of the above qualities to dos1 and in fact explicitly states it's guilty of them too
If the initiative system is dumb and counterintuitive, why did Roxor try to game it? Just change playstyle.
how do you change playstyle and adapt to something that cant be adapted to and which leaves no room for playstyle changes
other than trying to game it
And I explicitly said that, yes, the goofiness was very much an issue that needed to be adressed. Wether that change was done skilfully or not, I can't really draw that conclusion myself from the review.
redding is teh hard
Holy shit, there was an army of writers on this game. There must be discernible differences to the writing
i wish
Still, the point is it's not clear where Roxor's coming from. If he's not missing any simulationist aspect to attributes, but simply different ways of dealing and avoiding damage, hoo well, to a lot of players that is certainly a secondary aspect. Certainly in a turn-based game with destructible environments and what not, where you have a lot more factors to tactics than attributes.
i dont know how i could be even more clear on the point that the character system is nothing more than insignificant +5% damage bonuses across the board which you could instead get automatically on level up as a global "ding! you now do +5% damage with everythang!" instead of giving you the illusion of being able to engage in deep rpg activities by dropping points somewhere
also this game does not have destructible environments
Haven't read the whole thing but it's definitely overly critical. Is this supposed to be some kind of parody review? Might be worthy of a second review. Maybe you thought it would be funny to dump over the game of the year (2017)?
While its not clear from description, some 5% is additive(like ranged, melee ones) and others are multpliers, like ranged or warfare. As such ranged skill is one of the worst choices to bloat your dmg numbers.
oh yeah
and none of that is mentioned anywhere in the game too :^)
You have fewer AP in DOS2 but actions also cost less.
incorrect, you have 4 ap, actions typically cost 2, rarely 1 or 3, which means you will rarely do more than 2 things
meanwhile in dos1 you could stack up a lot of ap, conserve them through turns, etc, to gather a huge pool, while actions had a wide range of costs from 3 to 10, which could let you do a lot of things
If you felt like your guys could do more in DOS1, that was because you were playing lone wolves.
incorrect, i never played lone wolves
There's nothing more bland and boring than describing something as bland and boring.
too bad
That's a DOS1 problem, not a DOS2 problem.
except it isn't
the base of it is in dos1, but when dos2 just keeps going "ZOMG this is the armour of BRACCUS REX!!!", "ZOMG this is the bathroom of BRACCUS REX!!!", "ZOMG this guy was a servant of BRACCUS REX!!!" without anything else, then it's a problem with dos2 - because all I keep reading here is "this is the X of that unimportant boss monster who laughed a lot while throwing fireballs"
I agree on the armor part... the rest is highly innaccurate or subjective even somewhat rushed out of the window.
what a shame
And the Zionist Agenda is exposed.
Negotiations are on with Larian for neutral positive review.
this is what happens when nobody donates to my patreon
Has Darth Roxor finally jumped the shark? Oh yes he did.
jumped the shark and rode the tiger
Nah, he's just into hating this game. It's well known
![Wink ;) ;)](/forums/smiles/icon_wink.gif)
It isn't that he's completely wrong, he is just - as you said - overly critical to the point of it being comedic.
But I don't remember a single instance when my choices in dialogue averted combat
I do. If you douse the burning cursed piggus in Fort Goy, the undead lizard someone of BRACCUS REX!!! appears to ask wtf do you think you're doing. Successful [persuasion] lets you avoid the fight.
And I keep hearing about bloat and inflated stats. How do players keep up if items and skills go up by small incremental amounts? Is magic and abilities more powerful to compensate?
Not exactly. What you primarily have to constantly update and upgrade are new armour parts to increase your force fields, because otherwise you'll get steamrolled. So if you aren't playing someone reliant on weapon damage, like a ranger, you can in theory skip the magic wangs because you'll just keep spell spamming, but you can never consider skipping new armerz.
who wants some more
i've got enough bile for all of you