The intellectual unseriousness of the anti-balancers is proven by the fact that their arguments have no self-limitation. They stretch into infinity. When is a game unbalanced
Roguey ran into this problem, which may be the reason why he decided to become devil's advocate in this thread, because it's infuriating to deal with.
Let's say in one oldschool RPG, if a character dies, you can resurrect him with no permanent long-term penalty. OK, that was good, nobody had a problem with that. But now in Grimoire, if you resurrect a dead character, he loses CON. Complain about that? How dare you, evil balancer! I guess that other oldschool RPG got it wrong too. There's no limit to the purism. Burn the past!
It's similar to the position of the US Democratic Party on immigration. They say they're not for open borders, but they'll always take more immigrants, never less. How many immigrants is enough? 2 million a year? 5 million? 10 million? They'll never say.
tl;dr Contrary to popular belief, anti-balance = leftist mindset