What more can I say itt? Nobody is disputing my points, just repeating that F:NV is an RPG and that's that (and that I'm a troll, so that invalidates anything I say automatically), the most fun one is "it's better than Bethesda's Fallout, so it's an RPG!". I wonder why nobody is defending Alpha Protocol, which is basically the same thing, but I did say it also isn't an RPG. "Attempt at reality bending: The Thread".
You use weasel words and move the goalpost all the time, go over the top RPG list and explicitly name all games aren't RPGs so people can argue properly.
We went over this earlier. He claims that action RPG is an oxymoron because RPG is a style of gameplay. He claims Gothic and Risen and Bloodlines and Morrowind and Ultima Underworld and Deus Ex and presumably Ultima 7 are not RPGs. He just says people are getting butthurt about New Vegas when he runs out of ways to defend his thesis.
This is Lacrymas doesn’t understand how to make argument: the thread! “If we assume that my base assertion about the nature of RPGs is true, then I am right and the rest of you are wrong!” When challenged, repeat fundamental assertion as fact; when asked for proof, make a list of games that fit your definition. When pushed, create nonsense binary oppositions like, “if an action game like New Vegas can be an RPG, then nothing turn based or even RTwP can be an RPG,” while providing no explanation beyond, “because it violates my definition of an RPG.” But that’s just, like, circular reasoning, man.
What bugs me about this is that the whole thing reeks of intellectual dishonesty. Lacrymas doth protest too much. He claims ARPG is a nonsense category and wonders: if Gothic or New Vegas are RPGs, then why isn’t Doom an RPG? Yet as recently as two years ago (cited earlier ITT), he very much believed ARPGs were a real category and had no trouble understanding the definition or why some titles with action gameplay were RPGs and others weren’t. He states he was wrong back then; I’d very much like to know about his Road to Damascus moment when he realized the TRUTH, and why that has made him incapable of making distinctions he once had no trouble discerning. My charitable explanation is that he thinks he needs to advance the strongest possible form of his argument (strongest meaning most extreme) while doing his best to deny or ignore any ambiguity or internal contradictions. But you aren’t doing your own thesis any justice if you refuse to take the counter arguments seriously.
He acts dumbfounded when people disagree with his definition of what makes an RPG, pretending that any other definition is risible or incoherent. I guess he can’t remember that this is the most hotly debated term on this entire forum and there is never, ever a consensus about what it means.
Here’s another intellectually dishonest argument that has been advanced by a number of folks ITT:
“Reactivity, C&C, loot, extensive dialogue trees with lots of options, mutually exclusive quests with branching narratives, and tasks that can be accomplished via multiple solutions—the classic stealth, speech or murder troika—can’t be part of the definition of an RPG because you could literally have those in
any genre of game!”
Oookay, but if you then say, “therefore character building/progression and menu mediated combat define RPGs,” you simply aren’t holding your own argument up to the same level of scrutiny. Character progression and menu mediated combat are already in every other genre of game. They are the most copied RPG elements out there. So if existence in other genres is disqualifying, they are disqualified, too. This is where Lacrymas says, “well, but MOBAs are viewed as their own discrete genre.” Which would be fine except you could say the same thing of ARPGs: they are viewed as their own discrete sub-genre.
In truth, you could put any RPG elements in another genre, that doesn’t stop them from being RPG elements. This is equally true of character progression and build based reactivity (or anything else on the above list). When you have all of the elements I listed plus action gameplay, you have an action RPG.
If you want to say that you believe RPGs are just a subset of strategy games, so anything that doesn’t play like a strategy game is excluded, just say that. Don’t pretend you’ve deduced the fundamental secrets of the universe.