Yeah and the less things to do in the game the more people will hunt other players for fun.
IMO best case scenario would be to introduce AI faction controlled by designers that would direct corporation eyes to it instead of players. For example the bigger the corporation the bigger threats it needs to fight.
Truly best case scenario would be to introduce faction that would essentially level out sooner or later any corporation more or less completely and the big fun from it would be to who will create bigger corporation before downfall.
Also permadeath would also work well as you would loose all your assets, ships, crew and so on.
AFAIK, the main idea is to have something like (iirc) 70 % NPC - 30 % real people so large player-based organizations, while noticeable on the local level in some cases like their freaking hq system, won't impact the "single-players"/non-affiliated so much, as there WILL be AI factions, corporations, space-pirate-clubs, special-interest groups, and so on.
I think it's much more likely that the griefing will come from small groups looking to ambush the moron that's exploring space-jungle in a puddle-jumper...