Friends, Citizens, People who Buy Spaceships, lend me your eyeballs;
I come to speak of ship prices, not to avoid them.
The cost of ships may rise as they move through development;
The best deals are often lost as time moves on;
So let it be with the Starfarer. The noble Ben
Hath told you that prices for new concept ships,
Would be announced a week in advance.
And dutifully so has he mentioned it.
Here, will we post such communications,
For Ben is making me do this and I am,
But only a person who does what Ben says.
Come I only to speak of new concept ship prices?
Nay, we will also disseminate changes to existing,
Continually developing spaceships as they go,
From concept, to hangar, to spacefaring adventures.
You all did love these spaceships once, not without cause:
So we will keep this thread locked and purely informational,
Lest it digress into unsavory action and postings of ill repute.
O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their wallets. Bear with me;
My heart is in the Starfarer I bought for $175,
And I must pause till I fly off in it.
2016.04.13 - The MISC Prospector Concept sale will go live on April 22nd, 2016 for the introductory price of $140.