Look, we're getting dangerously close to having some positivity about Star Citizen so it's time to bring it all down.
You don't understand,
Cloud Imperium Games division is finished, they only have $240,000,000 left in tax rebate and won't last 90 days top, their loan with Crytek force them to exclusively fake Sq42 & SC on Space Citizen 32bits engine owned by Crytek to improve cryengine because they couldn't afford the TOTALLY FREE Unreal Engine 4 5% fee, Crytek sued Crobert because he stole Cryengine engine code to use on Lumberyard. They even sold out 10% shares to a marketing company only motivated with selling the game.
The playable demo is so fake it's generated by computers,
Players can only lumber on a few tiny 7x7Mm spherical alpines ground-maps in rover. Pushing the flight-ready button just start the prerendered cinematic take-off QTE animated script, you can tell how railroaded it is when the tester veer the Capital Sip outside the invisible intangible flight corridor wall and move out of the fake snowstorm hiding the fake company-town2 snow-edition over the planet/company-town as shuttle, factories, landfill, mines and vegetation scroll below you,
Without a HDD drive it take forever for the game to go through the interactive loading-screen quantum-drive cut-scene and reach any part of the tiny star system sized map then go into to a "jump point" (lol, more like space waterslide) and then surprise nebula. Proof they can't even do loadingscreen right.
It's just like the full 1.0 release of Squadron42 mission-disk vertical cut and its volumetric smoke and mirror trick to hide the blatant traversable 3D nebula skybox.
The ALWAYS ONLINE alpha 3.7 barely have basic gameplay loop like space battle, coop mission with FPS fight against NPC, exploration of inhabitable planets, trading, mining... stuff every $300M AAA space sim can do! It's not even seamless cause they transfer all 70 players fleet from server to server without them noticing!
Wake up! You can trust (((me))) I copypaste my info without checking from 10bux cult who leaked it from CIG secret GameCons panels!