I hope the "fan favorite" voice actor from wing commander is Tom Wilson.
What you think you are doing is helping the amazing Chris Roberts create the game of his dreams, rejuvenating PC gaming and bringing back large-scale space trading/combat games and simulators.I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Every Kickstarter project is a blatant cash grab, bar none. If you pledge, you're agreeing to pre-order a game that hasn't even begun to be made based on a pitch; if no game emerges, then for all intents and purposes, you'll have no legal recourse to reclaim your payment. You're allowing yourself to be exploited. Waffling about magnitude is intellectually dishonest—the basic principle remains the same in all cases. I do acknowledge that there are varying degrees of coercion inherent to pledge packages, from next to no coercion and limited special rewards on offer (largely seen in obscure games developed by small teams, such as Limit Theory) all the way up to Shroud of the Avatar, requiring large bags of money to secure limited-quantity persistent virtual property and exclusive titles of nobility.
Shroud of the Avatar goes much too far for my tastes (and for most people's, I suspect, which I suppose might be why it's fared comparatively poorly), but you'll never see me spewing vitriol at those who do choose to pledge. I'm simply not going to pledge for or play Shroud of the Avatar, and because I support Star Citizen, it's not my place to judge. Where Grunker et alia go wrong in my mind is in believing they hold the moral high ground because Project Eternity and such "aren't nearly as bad as" Star Citizen. That may be true from a certain point of view, but those are single-player games and thus the developers cannot meaningfully sell virtual property and exclusive vanity collectibles to backers. Being immortalized in a single-player game is about as far as they can push it, and guess what? They all go there, with backer-designed NPCs. statues, monuments, backer-designed items, name in the credits, signed collectors' editions out of many people's price ranges, and so on. How amazing would it be to have been immortalized in Planescape: Torment? If Project Eternity or T:ToN become timeless classics, having an NPC in your likeness in-game will be a great privilege indeed.
Just because your tolerance for Game X's coercive pledge options is lower than mine doesn't mean your hands aren't dirty. "Fuck you, Blaine, you killed twelve people! I only killed three, you're horrible!" That's the essential logic being used here.
"The team fucking sucks, you suck, the game will suck, fuck you" type sentiments are just ridiculous, really. I said my piece once or twice about Molyneux and GODUS (I just don't like his track record, mainly, and also he has AAA industry connections), I said my piece about Shroud of the Avatar and very occasionally bring it up, but I haven't launched a months-long campaign of ridicule against those who did pledge. They're just doing the same thing I'm doing and for the same reasons: Allowing ourselves to be exploited within boundaries we choose for ourselves so that X game will be made that otherwise wouldn't. Molyneux kind of bends even that otherwise fairly solid crowdfunding principle, but whatever. He's not disallowed from using the system, so, so be it.
Wait... There are going to be microtransactions in Star Citizen?
Care to elaborate?
Would you like some publisher dumb down the game, or cancel it altoghether because it is not marketable enough instead?Care to elaborate?
Simple, right now he is getting the money but he is not answering to anyone, meaning there are no constraints so bad ideas and poor allocation of resources are stopped because he is not answering to anyone.
In this case, without a real publisher this inst going to get off the ground in terms of population since a lot of people will not even be aware of its existence and many people that are, will not because the payment options are ridiculous and this means you get a game for a few people, there will be asymmetries in terms of regional demographics since this is very much a NA game as it stands meaning everyone else gets fucked because of timezones and likely poor network performance.
Now, this affects the future became if the game is good and flops because of what I said about distribution then you see the raise of the whale milking, the cash shop becomes more and more intrusive and you start to see RNG Lock boxes despite assures from the regular crowd its not going to happen, fact is this is a product and they arent thinking on actually getting it on the market and if it fails the fact is they got 20+ millions so why not 40 millions? why not 60? He can lament all he wants about insurance but I read the same in STO with the Galor on the Lock box so excuse me if I havent seen this before and excuse me if I dont think its crocodile tears and excuse me if I dont think the moment the heat goes up because they screwed up on selling the game they arent to go sell power on a cash shop and the like.
Then again, my main issue is this ... they arent putting a effort on actually selling the game, going on about "we would like to put it on Steam" is not enough.
Would you like some publisher dumb down the game, or cancel it altoghether because it is not marketable enough instead?
Letting devs be creative and make the game they want, even if there is a small chance they fuck up>>>>>>letting publishers vomit out shitty game after shitty game.Would you like some publisher dumb down the game, or cancel it altoghether because it is not marketable enough instead?
Checks exist to make sure things work, I dislike the bullshit that is publishers that teh evilz ... developers are quite capable of fucking up and rather blame everyone else rather then themselves for the choices they made on their own.
Would you like some publisher dumb down the game, or cancel it altoghether because it is not marketable enough instead?
Neither do dumbfucks it seems. It is probably the devs who dumb down the games so they reach a wider audiance. Oh wait, no, the publishers tell them to do so.Would you like some publisher dumb down the game, or cancel it altoghether because it is not marketable enough instead?
J_C still thinks Evil Publishers personally design and develop games. Dumb people never change I guess.
Letting devs be creative and make the game they want, even if there is a small chance they fuck up>>>>>>letting publishers vomit out shitty game after shitty game.
How about we drop the act as if developers are some kind of star eyed young adults with dreams and creativity instead of being what they are, payed professionals with degrees and years in the industry?
Creativity, professionalism, and the desire to have a successful career aren't mutually exclusive concepts.
Neither do dumbfucks it seems. It is probably the devs who dumb down the games so they reach a wider audiance. Oh wait, no, the publishers tell them to do so.