I made 1 post about it thus far, so this is the second one.
Path of Titans, an MMO(RP)G. I play as a small, raptor-type dinosaur called
Latenivenatrix, subspecies
inequalis (focus on speed rather than strength and defense).
Keeping a safe distance from some of the two biggest dinos in the game (
Tyrannosaurus rex and
Spinosaurus) while they duke it out in combat. A bit funny considering that I was doing a fetch quest for marks (currency), but could not approach the location (with the red marker above) as I would probably be inadvertently crushed by them at best. So I had to wait quite a while. The Trex won by the way.
When you kill an adult dino, it drops a trophy which can be used to accelerate your growth. There were other spectators nearby beside me, waiting for one or the other of the big two to fall, so they can finish them off together; I stood away as I was already an adult (final stage) and needed no trophy, although trophies can be given to others. Some, as can be seen in the middle, are apparently willing to sacrifice their lives for trophies. Trex ultimately survived, killed some, seriously damaged others, and I think the trophy (dropped by the killed
Spinosaurus, then picked up and dropped by the rex so he can defend himself) simply got stolen.
Some rain effects. It significantly reduces visibility, but also makes it so you cannot hear footsteps and other creature effects clearly. Can be dangerous, with enemies approaching without you realising.
I play a raptor, the second-smallest dinosaur in the game, and 99% of the time alone, wandering around. Since raptors are pretty weak alone, I practically cannot take on any adult dino by myself. But the game is essentially free for all carnage, at least the official servers, so I often find myself stalking and following smaller dinos, like this
stegosaurus in its earlier life stages (stages are: hatchling, juvenile, adolescent, sub-adult and adult). Even then, you can see how I just barely managed to kill it, I was 1 hit away from being killed myself. Small, lone herbivores are easy targets compared to anything else.
But when there are two or more herbivores, even smaller ones, then the battle is pretty difficult (the second one was not shown, it was another
stegosaurus). In this case I was pursued by a pair that also has fast, high-jump capable and pretty dangerous for its size herbivore (shown here at the top of the cliff), and since he was faster than I my only recourse - which I pulled off just barely - was to get on a cliff and find a spot where he could not reach me. I survived this encounter, but other encounters with these dinosaurs I usually do not survive since they really can get almost anywhere that I can too. These will kill you on sight if they can.
Just another picture of my dino sleeping in a small crevice of a cliff. The skin I use, and especially when dark, seems to blend very good with the surrounding, making me almost invisible to others. The game's most expensive skins, melanistic and albino, are literally horrible for these purposes, and I wonder why do they cost so much when they impede your stalking prowess or hiding.
If all else fails, and there is a cave nearby with small entrance, then the best course is to hide there. Sadly, such caves are pretty rare and even rarer with narrow entrances where bigger dinos cannot enter.