It's that time of the year again, the time when it gets so fucking hot outside it becomes unbearable to leave the confines of your potatoland apartment. At the same time you can't go to the beach because the water is still too fucking cold, also you're broke. Therefore there is only one choice of action, play GabeN's gift to mankind.
Proof that theoretical physicists should not do acid.
Well this bad trip is coming to an end.
Cyrillic, bunch of old buildings, cops wearing gas masks, monolithic futuristic structures towering above the skyline, dear leader broadcasting propaganda to you via TV screens. Yes, the ashes definitely smell like potato.
Apparently the G-Man undressed Gordon, who knows what else he did in the two decades since he put him into that stasis.
Bad men from other universe come and take all potato, then they kill husband. Such injustice has to be fixed with a swift crowbar swing.
Crawling through canals, the scenery looks familiar, also piss, shit and garbage floating everywhere. The ashes definitely smell like potato : x
It's doing that to mess with me, isn't it? The jokes is on it, one does not fuck around when liberator of potato the one free man is around.
Bonus shot:
Half-Life 2 fails the skyway test of quality due to poor tire textures.