And Dishonored I suppose, although I guess the platforming in that game falls into some sort of sub-category due to the blink ability. It had a double jump!
FPS platforming can be "good". Thief had a lot of platforming, and the fact that FPS platforming is a bit.... well, shit/slightly unintuitive/a matter of repetition, somehow fit with Thief since a lot the trickier stuff was optional. There's the slight acceleration which allows you to do some skill based movement, and then there's the risk/reward attached to it. A good example of this is The Lost City, where you can jump from the top of the building that houses the talisman, across and over the lava and into the caves that lead directly to the exit, avoiding all the elementals that just spawned. That's the reward. The risk: motherfucking lava.
If you step back and manage to bunny hop to the edge and then jump off, you can hit the ledge on the other side, rather than the ground, and then can hoist yourself up and avoid taking the fall damage that would kill you.

Lava: 0, Garrett/FPS Platforming: 1
"Most people will just fall into the lava you know. Over and over again until they stop playing."

... Garrett? I thought you retired and became a Keeper. What's up with your voice, you sound... different. And you look like that guy I went to high school with that wore makeup and HIM t-shirts. Are you ill?
"We'll add an ability that allows you to teleport instead."

Garrett... this... this isn't you, man. What about the simulation? The not so obvious, but totally glorious, use of jumping and the way the game physics work? I'm going to tell everyone about your decline!
"In five seconds my energy meter has refilled and I will trigger an animation that will be the end of you."
