New version of Kerbal Space Program, time to derp around on the Mun. Also broke mods so I lost all the Urabian Kethane Refineries I landed so I started from scratch again. Time to rip-off the apollo style of landing on the
Moon Mun, again. But hey it has flags now.
First the STC (SPESS TRANSPORATTION CORPORATION) launched the Selene-1 mission in an attempt to land on the Mun. Since this was supposed to be a proof of concept only Bob Kerman was crazy enough to do it, he was in no way blackmailed and forced to board the Selene-1.
The command module and lander easily reached Munar orbit thanks to the Nuclear Thermal Rocket engine used for the transfer burn.
Bob landed safely and planted a flag to claim the Mun in the name of unrestricted capitalism.
Now that travel to the Mun was proven not to be a luxurious suicide the far bigger Selene-2 was launched with a crew of 3.
It reached Kerbin parking orbit easily.
The lander and command module detached and docked with each other before starting the transfer burn towards the Mun.
The lander had just barely enough fuel to land. Luckily the thrust on the lander's descent stage was overkill so a suicide burn decelerating the thing from 500 m/s when at about 1km above the surface worked.
Planted another Selene Program flag. Time to drop the rover attached to the bottom and drive around.
The dolts drive 12km to the Selene-1 landing site and back to the lander. Considering I barely had enough fuel to land without crashing landing that close is quite the feat.
The ascent stage of the lander easily makes it back into orbit and docks with the command module with fuel to spare. I pump it back into the command stage, leave the empty lander in orbit and safely return back to Kerbin with the command module.