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What was the name of that other game built in the same engine as TNP? I remember it was fantasy oriented and you could chose classes or something.
At least you've tried.
Back to business.
All those gold just lying around. And you can't take it.
He is everywhere!
Pretty neat shootan.
I liked environmental interactivity (you could weaponize pretty much everything not nailed down by throwing it in someone's face and destroy much of everything else), diversity of items and weapons (along with damage types), built-in encyclopaedia, splatter, usable vehicles, free-roaming and, first and foremost enemy AI and capabilities - intelligent enemies could do pretty much everything you could - pick up and use items (including weapons and medkits), operate vehicles, climb ladders and so on, while also behaving in pretty diverse manner.
Also, stuff like lava (molten metal, actually, IIRC) instakilled you instead of making you go "AAAH! AAAH!" for better part of a minute.
What I didn't like? That most muties had green blood (ok. with "zombies", but not the rest) and that mutated ratfolk were effectively bullet-proof (wat).
Story&setting were also rather pretextual, but it was Q2's contemporary (and far superior game), so can't complain about that.
I never beat it back when it was new, because I could never find an alternate route to the mall for some reason and got stuck on laser bars. I only finished it much much later.
Crossbow works, but the best weapons are plasma, laser and incendiaries (flamethrower, molotovs).Yes, the rats can be killed only by a crossbow thing.
I once had a rat dude jump in a hovercraft thing I left lying around - armed with plasma cannon.They are resistant and should be killed ASAP.
Rocket launcher was p. godlike.The arsenal is one of the best IMO, in later parts you can really start a carnage with all those exploding babies.
I only had a problem with that easy one.There are some easy puzzles, like turning off the laser beams, and there is a turning on a nuclear plant puzzle. Putting all those coloured rods in the right slots was tiresome.
I don't think I've ever figured out how to get different endings, though.I liked the diffrent factions. It gave me a "Escape from NY/L.A" feeling. Prisoners, Yuppies, Mutants and all that scum of the earth waiting to kill you... Ending was nicely done. Another plus for Raven to include bad/good one depending on the player.
NWN modules.
Saleron's Gambit is a fun low level/low treasure series of mods. In the last chapter my druid took a trip from Faerun to Sigil.
The Hive looks quite good (for NWN's engine) pity that this part is quite sort.
Can't get it to work without butchered palette, though.Mageslayer
Can't get it to work without butchered palette, though.Mageslayer
Crossbow works, but the best weapons are plasma, laser and incendiaries (flamethrower, molotovs).Yes, the rats can be killed only by a crossbow thing.
I once had a rat dude jump in a hovercraft thing I left lying around - armed with plasma cannon.They are resistant and should be killed ASAP.
Was much ouch.
Someone should mod it, BTW, so that mechs get invulnerability to bullets instead.
Would be a fun game to mod actually.
Rocket launcher was p. godlike.The arsenal is one of the best IMO, in later parts you can really start a carnage with all those exploding babies.
Oh and BTW, ever tried leaving plasma cannon on warm-up?
I only had a problem with that easy one.There are some easy puzzles, like turning off the laser beams, and there is a turning on a nuclear plant puzzle. Putting all those coloured rods in the right slots was tiresome.
Rods were kind of obvious, except you had to figure out how to move them around.
And read shit.
I don't think I've ever figured out how to get different endings, though.I liked the diffrent factions. It gave me a "Escape from NY/L.A" feeling. Prisoners, Yuppies, Mutants and all that scum of the earth waiting to kill you... Ending was nicely done. Another plus for Raven to include bad/good one depending on the player.
There is also that bug at the beginning where one of the Martech dudes at the beginning tends to fall onto the tracks triggering hostility on their part and much FFFUUUU- on yours.
Can't get it to work without butchered palette, though.Mageslayer
Works without the dreaded rainbow colours on my W7 machine after setting compatibility of mageslay.exe to Windows 98/ ME and temporarily killing explorer with a .bat file:
REM -[ScriptName].bat
taskkill /F /IM Explorer.exe
start explorer.exe
skacky: What FM is that again?
skacky: What FM is that again?
I believe it's calendra's legacy, isn't it?
Ah, that explains why I didn't recognize it. I haven't played it in years. And never will.
Ah, that explains why I didn't recognize it. I haven't played it in years. And never will.
What's the problem with it?
Calendra's Legacy: I know opinions are split on this one, and I fall in the "hate it" group. It's very easy to understand why. When the mission objectives are "Don't kill anyone", "Don't get spotted" and "Go to this location and take (or was it deliver? Can't remember) this item that takes you across 2/3 of the map in 10 minutes or fail the mission", you begin to wonder if you're playing Thief or a GTA game. It's hard, but it's doable, but compared to the other problems this mission has, the "time limit" part of it becomes almost irrelevant. The worst one is that your equipment is stashed in your room, but if you go there to grab it you trigger an event that spawns a metric fuckton of Undead all over the city. And here's where it all falls apart.
If you follow your Objectives list, it is logical to assume that after having completed the time objective mission, you try to complete the other objectives and/or go get your stuff to explore the city. Except if you do that, the city slides into the tenth level of hell, which makes it really hard to complete the mission...unless you explored the city thoroughly before triggering the Undead spawn...which is hard to do without your stuff in your room...but by going there you trigger the spawn of Undead! See where I'm going with this?
Then there's the issue the author has with his female characters, which all act identical, i.e. like sluts, and the fact that for mindless Undead, they sure are clever enough to hang around in brightly-lit areas and in numbers (theremore making them smarter than all of the City Guard) but I think people get my point by now.
Note that all of the above only applies to the second mission. The first mission is really good, but considering how big a download Calendra's Legacy is, I can't recommend anyone getting the FM just for the first mission.
It's definitely not as good as Calendra's Cistern. Still, the last mission is awesome and the first features a very cool crypt area.
If you go and get Kharras Drahg asap in Midnight in Murkbell you'll have an easier time since it conceals you more and can slay the undead. You can do that as soon as the mission starts, and if you know your way around you'll arrive at the cathedral with plenty of time to drop the Cylix. Now that you have done that and have Kharras Drahg, you're free to explore the district before triggering the undead. I also hated that mission at first but now that I really know it I find it more enjoyable, but it's the weakest of the bunch by far despite its great cityscape.