Clearly spekkio is not alpha enough to appreciate the game.
Let's continue our journey in Hexen 2.
The throne of the dead king.
I thought the minotaurs are the most annoying monsters added in expansion...
...until I encountered this little fellas. The remind me of those blue thingies in Quake. And they always come in bigger packs.
Trying the demoness class added in PoP. Playing with the camera and enjoying dat view for a moment. Those naughty D&D nerds.
This looks familiar.
This is how Draq reacts when someone is making idiotic statement.
A replacer for
Sweet art.
Jaguar guards and their panther equivalents are taught as bricks here.
Sweet little sheepies
The big boss that we've been chasing the whole time. Many insta-kills spells involved here. We need to be careful.
Portal of Praevus, like the expansion for the first Hexen is more streamlined and has easier riddles. There are new lands to visit, monsters to see, but overall the balance between the arcade fps and solving puzzles is still present. Overall, I think Raven back in the 90's were unique devs. They wanted to merge the Fps formula and monocled Rpg elements with really good results. The hub approach was something diffrent from start->end Doom system which was copy pasted into the other productions.
You had inventory, with things that you could use later on, some books and texts lying around for some lore addition. And of course puzzles, who can be really creative and infuriating. Hexen 2 has less monsters on the levels, but they are more intelligent and can really put the player to death in a matter of seconds. Especially the necromancer which I've tried in a trial run had a tought chance of survival. Adding to this the diffrent places to visit, like medieval influenced beginning or ancient Egypt (plus moving through time).Plus putting so many hidden buttons and passages... You can't just speedrun through the levels because sooner or later you will hit the wall. It's a shame that Quake 1 engine was so robust compared to Unreal ones. The Greek/Rome part where you move through the temple of Zeus or Athena are just begging for a bigger, more monumental scope. Still, with the tools Raven was provided they made a good dungeon crawler parts. From the creators of Black Crypt I didn't expect any less.
I wish more companies tried to make a spiritual successor to those games. A mishmash of diffrent elements that blends so well. Just expand the leveling system, it could be much better.
Where are thou Raven Software now?