SkyNET is Bethesda's last game based on the Terminator franchise. Originally developed as an expansion pack to
Terminator: Future Shock, SkyNET eventually became its own standalone product. Its major features are an updated version of the Xngine allowing for play in the sharper 640x480 resolution (and the ability to update Future Shock to the same), a new single-player campaign, and a new multiplayer deathmatch component.
We get to use all our favorites weapons again against all our favorite killing machines.
The rubber models may not look like much from up close, but many have fallen victim to them in the dark. So they tell us.
You see that ruin in over there? You can climb it!
And of course we can step into all the buildings.
You know that feeling coming out of the club, when the sun sets?
Time to head back into your hole. Traffic is killing you!
No matter how fucked the world is, there is one thing that keeps us going.
And if that is not enough, you get to fly with the H/K again.
Big enemies are the best. No matter how glitchy the game gets, your grenades won't pass through them.
Which can't be said for those fuckers.
Of course melee lacks some punch.
The game even had submarines before the movies!
20 years later and it still crashes like hell!