Finished Dissolution of Eternity
Played it myself some months ago, but I found it so tedious that I didn't bother finishing it. Quake 1 just bores to me tears for some reason.
Finished Dissolution of Eternity
Finished Dissolution of Eternity
Played it myself some months ago, but I found it so tedious that I didn't bother finishing it. Quake 1 just bores to me tears for some reason.
Requiem: Avenging Angel
ohWorld War Zero: Iron Storm
Developed by: Rebellion Development Ltd.
Sad to hear that, as game has been performing flawlessly for me and no additional tweaks were necessary.Requiem: Avenging Angel
I tried playing the "gog version" of that game recently, unfortunately it was unplayable due to mouse problems. Did it work out of the box for you?
Dissolution was quite meh compared to Scourge of Armagon, but you ought to check out this wee episode that puts its textures and enemies to good use:The addon weapons are ridiculously strong and you find tons of ammo in Dissolution. I just finished it to satisfy my inner completionist.
Bad to the Bone by a Polish map maker. Intro is promising.
I actually have played it, for a couple of hours - can't remember why I stopped though. Maybe something with the controls.if you want to play a much manlier game (and better), try: Volgarr The Viking
This thing is actually out?! o.O
Hell if I know, but would not be surprised if there were only few areas.Arx - End of the Sun (beta)
is out
Is it possible to play that thing start to finish in beta, or is it more like a demo with limited number of areas?
No kidding. It is also a level that really brings out Quake's corroded metal look. I really miss that aesthetic in gaming. ...speaking of which...aka e3m5 on crack.