That's looking mighty fine! Is the game itself good?
Well, for me absolutely yes.
Tecnichally it's a gem. I haven't huge framerate with a 770gtx but it feels always smooth and still with an amd 5770 it ran great and smooth at maximum detail (though at that time there wasn't all that stuff, so i don't know now), with an i5 (i don't know hom much is cpu dependant).
Physics is really accurate and collisions are on their own league, never seen something like that. Forget paper armor and hits that trespasses bodies like lightsabers. That brings some problems like weapons sometimes getting stuck but it's a fair trade imho (also things should improve).
They should sell that engine if it's not impossible to work with, it's great.
The game is really dark and if there's no light you can just shut down you monitor to save energy since it's plain black.
No automap, there's the compass to find, saves only from beginng level (thoguh with armor is easy to avoid lethal damage) or when exiting game, no handholding with an hardcore attitude, levels are big and complex as a good dungeon crawler should be and it's easy to be lost. There are also some puzzles on the first level though they can be skipped (not the best nor the worst i've seen).
Also armors and weapons are great. I like atmosphere and music (low profile and unobtrusive).
Combat should be tried and needs to be undesrtood. I like it a lot but don't doubt for much people it will suck, it's slow paced, more than real combat though recently it's been speed up a bit, animations can be weird sometimes and at the beginning seems impossible. With practice it could be used with some precision. For sure footwork and search for opening is fundamental.
Devs are developing it slowly but are actually improving it every release without stupid stuff.
They added a fairly complex arena mode and it's good.
For sure there's nothing like this game. It still misses a lot of content and it's already so good.
I just wonder when this will be completed, not to mention Sui Generis, Bare Mettle main project that should be much more ambitious and a full fledged rpg (Exanima is "just" a dungeon crawler and there's nothing wrong in that, just don't expect quests, npcs and so on).