Best way to describe it, it's mixed bag.
Story is fine when it's focused on the war side of things, but completely and utter shit when it goes full FF, with l'cie, fal'cie and all the wonderful bullshit FNC brought us. It's BAD. Unsatisying and relies on off-screen deus-ex machina to "solve" things. It's also very event-focused as opposed to character-focus. Pretty much everyone in your party is an one-note personality. This is fine in the "war" chapters, the plot keep going, and the portrayal of war is not so bad, with a lot of cool scenes.
It does have an... interesting gameplay. There is a world map, plenty of towns, 14 playable with a different play-stiles each (and they are all available to you asap), a lot of secrets and a meaty NG+. However, it's a PSP game, so the limitation shows, towns are mostly the same and 1-2 screens, caves are the same texture recycled, monster variety is quite poor. The best way to describe it is "lazy port", these morons didn't even expand the ability menus (2 abilities per character are fine on PSP, but bullshit on a pad) or fix some of the most obvious flaws (WHY CHARACTERS YOU DON'T USE DON'T LEVEL WITH YOU)
I can't honestly recommend it blindly, I enjoined the PSP version back then, and I'm replaying the PC version and found out I still don't dislike the game, but it's a weird game. It's like they had a good game in development, but it was hijacked by FNC shit and turned mediocre.
... Also yeah, PC port sucks. Don't even run full screen. I still retain PSP version still the best, since it keeps people expectations in check.