What's the game?Ok fine, reinstalling.![]()
Sounds like someone's in need of whoopass
endgame spoilers ahead
Boreale, ever the smooth operator
Cooking is serious business
Expected classic wuxia restaurant whoopass, but alas the fight was taken outside
Trial by combat it is.
*massive whoopass later*
Victory was never in doubt
First Secretary Boreale
Words can hardly express how awesome the endgame is. It's a yuge segment of endless whoopass that includes wuxia masters, villains, ninjas, traitors, random korean wandering heroes, traitors turning good again, massive brawls and emotional engagement. This is Wuxia with a capital fucking W.
Eat shit and die
and thus the world was saved
but at what cost?!
Commander Boreale, the great xia of Wulin.
I guess this is some kind of 'thanks for playing' message. All I can say is thanks for making this game, fellow Chinese comrades. One of the coolest RPGs I've ever played. Will definitely replay it at some point.
You're aiming at the wrong person the real criminal is that guy I mean just look at his tux.![]()
The wedding cake is their biggest problem right now, I guess.
If you want a combat-focused platformer RPG set in Chernobyl (the author is Ukrainian so it's probably based on his neighbourhood) and don't mind the MLP theme, then I'd say yes.I'm afraid to ask but... is it good?
What's the game?
I also really like the voice acting and script; there's something noble about how the characters interact, and I like that even the "dumb strong guy" PC sounds intelligent and well-mannered. Extremely atmospheric game in my opinion.
Please keep posting these. Thanks....HoMM 3 ...
This game has a special place in my heart.Tzar
Pathfinding here is terrible.
A very nice soundtrack.
Pathfinding here is terrible.
A very nice soundtrack.
I love this game, but of all the dozens of RTS games I played, this one has the worst pathfinding.
You should play Jurassic (Primitive) War, where your units can go from this:of all the dozens of RTS games I played, this one has the worst pathfinding.