While SitS is my personal GOTY pretender, i'll have to bluntly ask, how many full-priced copies you have to sell to call this game a success?We knew we needed to make something flashy to get some kind of attention for the game, especially with the release date looming closer. That's sort of worked, we're hoping some lets-players that we're going to send the next beta patch to pick up interest. We just need enough money to fund our next game to call this a success..
Because, even this thread, to my utmost disgust, is an indication of how low-key your game is. People here, of all places, should go totally apeshit about SitS, but in reality the attention you get here is smaller than the one Dragon Age Inquisition got, or even Sword Coast Legends, the popamole RPG made by a group of third-rate Bioware rejects.
It's really sad and infuriating to see how a game that promises nearly everything the Codex ever wanted, gets so little attention here (i said nearly, because it's not turn-based :p).