Try playing Mage/Shaman instead of pure shaman, pump these: Will, Spellcasting, CHA, Spirit Summon, Spirit Control. And at least 3 points in body. You'll have fun time summoning, blasting, buffing and controlling monsters (mind wipe, blind) all in one. I liked that build, played on Very Hard till endgame.
Today I found out that peaceful resolutions in SR, with CHA checks and all that, aren't useless. They can actually be harmful
So here's the story, there is a troll with one eye guarding door in the mission when you help Coyote to find her bro, you can go around him multiple ways, by bribing or passing CHA check, or buying keycard from a dwarf. Well guess what, if you hit him in his blind eye instead and then kill him, you'll get a notebook with contracts from his body, which you can then sell to Van Graaf for ~1000 credits. I just hate this game sometimes.
Also, I found out what's behind that vending machine in temple. You need 5 STR to move it, and 5 Decking to unlock door behind it. It leads right to the corridor with a body of Cherry Bomb's friend, and then right into the final stage of that level with ms. Watts and her bug-friends. Who would in their right mind play a melee decker I don't even...