It was a mix of two things. Added tension where if your hired mercenaries die, you should let them stay dead instead of a quick load key press. Also budget limitations, dumb excuse I know. Restoring AI Behaviors (last round I ran first and applied a buff to A, and I am suspicious of B, and I heard a sound at X) , partially fired events and triggers (ie After 4 guys killed, spawn 4 more guys) would have been error prone and we didnt want to do another delay, nor did we have enough test resources to find all these save game issue.
I don't get this explanation. Either it was a gameplay consideration and they wouldn't have added it even if they had the budget, or it was cut because of the budget and wouldn't be a big deal as far as the gameplay goes. I don't see how you can have it both ways.
The gameplay consideration is what helps us to sleep at night without waking up in a cold sweat from night terrors.