SMTV ran "fine" for an UE4 game on the Switch. But definitely frame drops to the 20s here and there. I personally would recommend to play it on any other platform but the Switch. Just wait a little bit longer for PV03, and I might gift the game to you for PC.How does this run on Switch? I've recently been playing Persona 3 Reload and SMT Nocturne, and I love both games. Can't believe I've been playing so many other mediocre jRPGs and never realized how much this series catered to me gameplay-wise (I hate the aesthetics but hey, what can you do). I'm gonna play the entire series for sure in time, but I'd love to play SMT V Vengeance on the switch, however:
1) I've been burned on demanding games on the Switch before. I'm thinking because this was specifically made for the console, I'll be alright?
2) For Persona 5 Royal I've read you need mods to disable OP trash DLC. Will that be the case for Vengeance as well?
And P5R is an absolute piss easy game without any sort of challenge besides maybe one or two super bosses and the first dungeon on HARD. But yeah, you definitely should deactivate these items.
Gift it to another deserving bro, I’m made of money. But thanks for the tip!
As for P5R, I read the same but was optimistic I would be able to fix it with mods? P3R is pretty easy but it has just enough challenge on merciless to keep me entertained once in a while. And the usability/vibe of combat just feels so good.