I've tried to power through it, but combat was just too chaotic and not very fun.
I am usually a ride or die mouse & keyboard man but I feel like this is so very designed for controller. Get a controller if you can, I think it will change your experience.
Also it's okay if it's not for you BUT I will say for me this game was a slow burn. I played a bit and sucked and gave up, then came back months later and picked through more carefully. You gotta get knocked down a lot of times before you can hold your own. Also the training room really helps. After every few failures I went back to the training room and followed all the instructions, it feels stupid when the game says "Press A and then X" and you press A and then X and of course the maneuver works - that's very different from really playing the game - but after you go back through training a few times things start to stick. For me this is pretty much the whole appeal of the game; you can't just wing it, you have to actually train.
How does combat work in this game? Skimming a gameplay video left me with the impression that it works like the Batman Arkham games where you simply have to press the counter button at the right time. Is it the same here or does it have actual movement/attack combinations like fighting games, for example Soul Calibur?
Oh my god. This is not a button mashing Arkham game. Sometimes there is a bit of automatic movement to make animations work but it's a hard core fighting game through and through.