Requires metagaming or being level 20 or something, plus gold for enchantment to be made.Ring of permanent invisibility...![]()
Requires metagaming or being level 20 or something, plus gold for enchantment to be made.Ring of permanent invisibility...![]()
Then again, first MQ mission was delving into dungeon full of smugglers. Second - a dungeon full of undead.
Then again, first MQ mission was delving into dungeon full of smugglers. Second - a dungeon full of undead.
Doesn't matter since anyone turned off by challenge couldn't find Caius Cosades anyway.
Just GTFO and walk the other way if you see multiple wolves at lvl1. Same with bandits unless you're confident that you can take them out and have superior positioning (kill anyone who looks like archer and then whoever approaches). And block/dodge/interrupt instead of tanking.
Besides it isn't that different from low-level Morrowind, where at low level entering cave could mean a burly Nord bumrushing you and killing you with two consecutive blows of a massive steel hmmr (first blow knocking you flat and helpless).
Cliffracers murdered you, most bandits murdered you, kagouti murdered you, skeletons murdered you (especially archers), bonewalkers drained your strength and then murdered you, while ghosts murdered you slowly while completely ignoring your weapons.
And incidentally, in the very first MQ mission your objective is literally in a room just off the entrance of the dungeon. You have to fight 4 or 5 bandits at most. In Skyrim all your objectives lie at the very end of the dungeon.Then again, first MQ mission was delving into dungeon full of smugglers. Second - a dungeon full of undead.
the first thieves guild quest, i don't even fucking remember
Focus wasn't on combat, but you did have a lot of potential combat thrown in your way, and the tools you were given to avoid it weren't that different from what Skyrim gives you.Except in Morrowind the focus wasn't on combat. You didn't have to fight at all most of the time. In Skyrim the entire focus is on combat.
In a very tiny room forcing you into melee with lvl5 dude with an axe wearing iron cuirass.And incidentally, in the very first MQ mission your objective is literally in a room just off the entrance of the dungeon.
Well, those rats in Thelas' attic murder a lot of lvl 1 Nerevarines.caius also gave you the advice to join a guild or two to gain experience first. pretty much all starting guildquests involve fedex quests without combat, and those that do require it send you after a giant rat or something other well inside even the most non combat focused characters scope.
With a powerful meatshield accompanying you.the first companions quests involves you raiding a nordic tomb.
With a powerful wizard accompanying you (seriously, Tolfdir + Requiem = OMG).the first collage quest involves you raiding a nordic tomb.
Sounds a lot like Daggerfall, actually.the first thieves guild quest, i don't even fucking remember, but there is also far too much raiding caves and tombs involved in that questline.
Sneaking is such a god mode in Skyrim you could probably ghost the whole fucking game after level 10 or so.
Actually, you should get a good chance of instakilling someone if you manage to attack them unnoticed in melee, but it should be pretty much use it and lose it bonus - stabbing someone should make you noticed and pursued making it difficult to throw enemies off your track, let alone sneak up to someone again.My first character was a thief focusing on bows.
As I was fighting mostly ranged, my sneaking skills actually never went really high. Even when I finished the game at level ~35, sneaking was still well below 100. Probably in the 80s and many enemies could spot me after I shot them a few times with the bow. Which was admittedly enough for most enemies, but e.g. higher level draugr usually only allowed one or two sneak attacks before they came running to me.
With that char, sneaking felt mostly "right" to me.
If you, however, sneak into mele range, your skill raises much faster AND you get the stupidly high sneak damage multiplier for daggers.
TES doesn't have any single stealth system.I honestly can't remember ever struggling with the first MQ in Morrowind. Not even when playing non-combat characters.
As for the sneaking in TES titles. It's utter shit. Thief did it a lot better, as did Dark Messiah. And Deus Ex. In fact, I'd wager a bet and say most games do stealth better than TES games. TES has one of the worst stealth systems around.
My first character was a thief focusing on bows.
As I was fighting mostly ranged, my sneaking skills actually never went really high. Even when I finished the game at level ~35, sneaking was still well below 100. Probably in the 80s and many enemies could spot me after I shot them a few times with the bow. Which was admittedly enough for most enemies, but e.g. higher level draugr usually only allowed one or two sneak attacks before they came running to me.
With that char, sneaking felt mostly "right" to me.
If you, however, sneak into mele range, your skill raises much faster AND you get the stupidly high sneak damage multiplier for daggers.
Actually, you should get a good chance of instakilling someone if you manage to attack them unnoticed in melee, but it should be pretty much use it and lose it bonus - stabbing someone should make you noticed and pursued making it difficult to throw enemies off your track, let alone sneak up to someone again.
In Morrowind it was pretty much rudimentary skill VS distance VS random variable check, unless you had occlusion.
In Skyrim it's much more sophisticated, accounting for lighting, noises and all kinds of stuff. Pretty much the par for stealth system although with variables set up rather badly (like enemies alert timing out in hilariously short time).
A very neat burglary mission to that island honey farm.Best questThe single good quest in the whole thieves guild questline and it's the first one.
Then again, first MQ mission was delving into dungeon full of smugglers. Second - a dungeon full of undead.
Doesn't matter since anyone turned off by challenge couldn't find Caius Cosades anyway.
Sneaking is such a god mode in Skyrim you could probably ghost the whole fucking game after level 10 or so.
my char is maxed out in sneak (and bows), and i can stand still in the middle of the hallway and have enemies bump into me without them noticing, until i start to fire.
my char is maxed out in sneak (and bows), and i can stand still in the middle of the hallway and have enemies bump into me without them noticing, until i start to fire.
In the expansion the little goblin dudes pop out of the ground in caves to surprise you. With 100 sneak and all the perks they were popping out of the ground right under me, my character shoved aside in the process, and then they just stood there with me inches away, not seeing me.
Part of me likes how stat-based sneaking seems to be but in a game where everything is skill-based it seems really off.
The goldenglow mission was a disgrace. Every single fucking guard was stationary with the back on the player path. Only one patrolled... a 10 meters corridor. And when you get to the owner... awesome scripted godvision that see even through invisibility.
ah, those blind things? they actually jumps down from those big hives on the wall.
ah, those blind things? they actually jumps down from those big hives on the wall.
No no no, on Solstheim, the little blue goblins. Reklings? They were in Bloodmoon too. They jump right out of the ground or out of barrels.
ah, those blind things? they actually jumps down from those big hives on the wall.
No no no, on Solstheim, the little blue goblins. Reklings? They were in Bloodmoon too. They jump right out of the ground or out of barrels.
i havent reached Solstheim yet, im dancing around with the Thieves Guild atm.
*DraQs rating of different stealth systems*