Fixed rare instance of couriers who would appear only dressed in a hat
- Legendary Skills – Skills of 100 can be made Legendary. This will reset the skill to 15, return its Perks and allow the skill to affect leveling again. This effectively removes the overall level cap.
Actually, high personality and reputation can boost reaction modifier so much that many enemies, at least those that are NPCs, won't be aggressive IIRC.You cannot use your Speech skill to avoid getting attacked in the first place. Therefore the diplomatic path in Morrowind doesn't exist.
And with this LEGENDARY UPDATE, Skyrim finally jumps the shark.
(I know most of you old people would say that the TES series jumped the shark with Oblivion or even Morrowind, and thus Skyrim was already beyond jumping the shark. But hey. I'm ...young. What can I say.)
Before, there was at least some choice as you were limited to 80 perks to distribute. But Todd and most Skyrim players had a problem with that. See, what about the rest of the perks? Why can't we pick them as well? Why do you force me to choose?! Why can't I have ALL the perks, and level FOREVER and ever and ever and ever?
Wouldn't that be, like many posters on the Skyrim forum say, "AWESOME"???
NPCs don't achieve godhood.It would take at least 200 hours to max the perk tree. Why do so many people act like the first 80 hours of an RPG don't matter if you eventually reach godhood?
NPCs don't achieve godhood.It would take at least 200 hours to max the perk tree. Why do so many people act like the first 80 hours of an RPG don't matter if you eventually reach godhood?
It would take at least 200 hours to max the perk tree. Why do so many people act like the first 80 hours of an RPG don't matter if you eventually reach godhood?
But if you are more interested in playing characters around a certain concept (i.e. classes like mage, fighter, thief), you are unlikely to ever use it anyway.
So, I never touched Skyrim after the monumental dogshit that was Oblivion.
so, uh, is Skyrim any good?
as a sword and shield-FPS with a rich world (in terms of shit to read and amount of stuff to look at and visit) -- it's actually good.So, I never touched Skyrim after the monumental dogshit that was Oblivion.
so, uh, is Skyrim any good?
So, I never touched Skyrim after the monumental dogshit that was Oblivion.
so, uh, is Skyrim any good?
Hmmmm...So, I never touched Skyrim after the monumental dogshit that was Oblivion.
so, uh, is Skyrim any good?
If you like action open-world games with RPG elements you could do a hell of a lot worse.
So yeah, better than the abortion that was Dawnguard, but less value ($20 for amount of content we got for $10 in Fallout 3/New Vegas days? lame). A few steps forward, could have even been "great", but as it stands it's just kind of "okay", like the bare minimum of positive qualities it can get away with without being called crap. I'd easily pay $20 for this if they turned the good premise into a real story that made sense, instead of being a setup for some new art direction and fetch quests.
Dragonborn is about the same size as Point Lookout/Old World Blues, which were both $10. Definitely no Shivering Isles. The main quest can be completed in about 2 hours without even rushing. Is your memory that short?