Clockwork Knight
Of course you can't tell which one is worse, you didn't really play either.
Of course you can't tell which one is worse, you didn't really play either.
Of course you can't tell which one is worse, you didn't really play either.
So your point is that you have no point to make?
CK's point is that the amount you played wasn't enough to even determine that (not "if" ) oblivion sucks, let alone whether Skyrim does.So your point is that you have no point to make?
The point was that the little bit I played, I didn't like.
Anyway, why so fixated on my gaming preferences?
What differentiates the dragonborn from other Thu'um users is his ability to absorb dragon souls (thus learning shouts instantly). He's a chosen one in the same way the nerevarine can go from the mages guild's errand boy to archmage in a matter of weeks while other wizards have to stay cooped up in their towers for decades. You might say that's an abstraction, but that's some serious scholarly effort considering you begin the game as an anonymous shitty prisoner who can maybe cast one mediocre beginner spell or two.
> Stumbles into a Codex thread.
> Doesn't know what to expect.
Not even that as combat only falls apart later on.(...) and tutorial may hint that combat is a joke
The one thing I miss from Oblivion's modding community was the ability to produce Quests/Adventures, unlike Skyrim's.
Dont be silly, there are no girls at the codexr u a girl
15 minutes may be enough to see that game has no interest for you and uninstall
> 1000 pages of unanimous bashing of Oblivion.
> Someone comments about how he couldn't play it for more than 15 minutes. Because it was that bad, naturally.
Why would you care about KKKs? do they do something?That's beside the point. Stopping halfway through the tutorial before posting about how it was shit/amazing is retarded no matter the game (see the "my first impressions" threads that pop up here a couple of hours after a new game shows up on piratebay). It means you are trying way too hard and should not get Kodex Kool Kredits for it.
15 minutes may be enough to see that game has no interest for you and uninstall
15 minutes is enough to see it's a real-time action rpg, which you can tell by the game's description on the back of the box.
That's beside the point. Stopping halfway through the tutorial before posting about how it was shit/amazing is retarded no matter the game (see the "my first impressions" threads that pop up here a couple of hours after a new game shows up on piratebay). It means you are trying way too hard and should not get Kodex Kool Kredits for it.