LOL, the sort of person who likes Skyrim over Oblivion is a consoletard who finds simple file replacement on the computer beyond his skill level and has nothing interesting to say on forum posts so resorts to nickpicking the obvious. Seriously, learn some basic skills and get your Oblivion modded.
Back on topic, I don't see anything wrong with Cyrodiil or the fact that the protagonist is Martin's sidekick. Much better than the washed out colors of Skyrim and the stupid drah-gun-borne plotline, the former most likely coming from another consolism; that all modern games must have this washed out look, they must all make the user feel special by giving them plenty of handholding and telling them they're Gods for doing the most banal of tasks... on easymode.
Both games are pretty shit sans modding, they both suffer from consolitis, one obviously at a more advanced stage than the other. The only redeeming feature is the moddability. Here are some facts about Skyrim and its mods:
1. Most of the new Skyrim features are just rehashes of Oblivion mods, but with the configurability of said mods stripped out for the convenience of consoletards.
2. There's almost no empty space in Skyrim for modders to put their stuff in and the little available is contested by various mods.
3. For some reason, if you stack a bunch of script heavy mods, the game becomes prone to CTDs. And apparantly, the CTDs depend on multiple interactions between scripts, textures, animations... lol good luck debugging and fixing that.
4. The stupid game saves mod info in the savegame file, you can no longer insert and remove mods at a whim like you could in Oblivion -- you need a new savegame that starts from the beginning.
5. The idiots at Bethesda made modding much harder making simple things like adding weapons and items a grindfest for modders.
6. Many things in Skyrim are hardcoded or are created with tools not available to modders. ex) you can only make animation replacers, but can't make new animations for existing NPCs.
Given all the script problems, hardcoded engine variables, limitations on modding, and the general entitlement laden attitude of mod end-users whose incessant bitching actively chase mod creators away, I don't see a bright future for Skyrim modding. Where are all the great quest mods? Where are the new lands, new environments, new NPC behavior? All you have now is a bunch of replacers with varying degrees of bouncing tits.