It was not. I couldn't use 50-skill tier guns when my skill was 25 because the wobble gave me a headache.
Well, I did. I didn't pay any atention to strength requirements either since they didn't seem to matter a lot either. And was there even any "wobble" unless you used iron sights?
This is all theorycrafting, no way to determine whether or not any of it is actually fun without testing. Perhaps they had and determined it was not.
Fun is secondary. I want my character's stats to matter in a game that lets you put points into them. Pure FPS combat would probably be more fun than FPRPG combat, but it would undermine the whole RPG aspect of the game.
Shitty is vague when you don't explain why. Game mechanics don't have to simulate reality and a lot of RPGs use damage treadmilling with no complaints.
Reality matters if a game uses real-life weaponry. "Damage treadmilling" is alright with melee weapons as it actually makes sense there, although it shouldn't be the only thing a weapon skill does. With guns it's just a lazy way out as there are tons of other things a weapon skill could affect and which would be more interesting from a gameplay point of view (more of this later when we get to Deus Ex). It usually also leads to undesired side effects like HP bloat, and it really hurts the feel of the combat if your guns can barely scratch people. New Vegas' combat feels like shit mostly because of this. To be honest, Deus Ex had some damage scaling too, and it sucked there as well, but at least it was much more subtle, and it also had stuff like recoil, which is almost nonexistent in New Vegas (would be too annoying on consoles, I imagine).
Unless I was attacking something with an inefficient weapon or ammo, all enemies died within seconds. Especially with the top-tier guns which are overpowered on purpose as an aid for bad players. JSawyer mod significantly decreases your starting HP.
Might have something to do with difficulty since I've only played the game on Very Hard. Yeah, yeah, you can probably kill most if not all enemies within seconds if you shoot them in the head constantly, but most of them can still take a full clip from an assault rifle and just shrug it off.
JSawyer's mod is not New Vegas.
Regarding the first part: I don't see that as a flaw. You're sounding awfully "vocal"
For the second part: Quoth Volourn: Bullshitz.
I wish I knew what your were trying to say here. I don't speak Volournish.
When you make claims like this I just cannot take you seriously. And Fallout 3/New Vegas enemies actually use more stats than Deus Ex FYI. Open up the Unreal editor and you'll see that they're all just FPS enemies with generic accuracy modifiers.
Not talking about enemies here but what happens when the PC fires a gun in the game. Deus Ex simulates weapon handling in a pretty abstract but functional way. An untrained person with some basic knowledge of guns (like a UNATCO agent) can take a pretty accurate shot with a pistol or a rifle at a short or medium range if he is allowed to take his time with it. However, if you give him a limited amount of time to draw his weapon and take the shot, or give him a moving target, or tell him to take multiple shots at the same target in a short period of time, he'll most likely have some trouble. With increased training he'll learn to control the recoil, position himself faster for an accurate shot, aim at moving targets with greater accuracy, handle the weapon better while moving and so on. Deus Ex does this rather primitively through the crosshair, but as an abstraction it works reasonably well, and it also creates a clear gameplay difference between someone who's a weapon expert and someone who's not. The former can take out his targets swiftly even while moving whereas the latter can mostly just take single shots when standing still without fucking up his aim, which in turn means that the former can utilize a much wider variety of tactics due to his expertise in a specific skill. In short, the skills have an instantly notable impact on gameplay and they make sense. I wish weapon skills also had a greater effect on some other aspects of weapon handling, like reload speed, but you can't have everything.
On the other hand New Vegas' combat is more or less the same regardless of your skills. Gameplay differences between an experienced gunslinger and some never-held-a-gun-in-his-hands weakling aren't that noticeable, and increasing your weapon skills doesn't really let you do anything you couldn't already do anyway. You can unload a full clip into someone's face while strafing even if you haven't invested a single point into weapon skills. You get some gun sway here and some different numbers in VATS there, but at its core the combat stays the same.
Anyway, I'm kind of tired of explaining this shit to you, so let's hear why you think New Vegas' combat is good and why Deus Ex has shitty combat.