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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

Dec 31, 2009
So bros, irelia top lane. What to do and why?

I have been playing her a bit and it is cool because you can carry from top lane, and she is very hard for the enemy to counterpick. What I have done so far is that I go boots pots early, then I get philo stone for superior mana regen and if I still hang on turtle heart. Then around lvl 13-15 I get wits end, and then next triforce. At this point the game is won.

Am I going too much gold items?


Jul 4, 2011
Bro, America needs every advantage possible to continuously keep Euro in its place beneath our fists.

Tell me again who played the season 1 finals. Was it Euro vs Euro? Did the Kwans not even make it to the semis?

You really like discarding every inconvenient fact that clashes with your worldview, don't you?

Tell me again which teams are consistently placing highly at every single major worldwide tournament after Dreamhack (hint, it's TSM, CLG, Dignitas and Epik)

You really like discarding every relevant fact that clashes with your worldview, don't you?

Edit: M5 is actually doing very well, but they only emerged during IEM Kiev, which was the last major.
I don't really care for EU VS NA, but I do care for supporting claims. As I see it, both NA and EU have placed highly since DH. I may forget some, but:
IEM Kiev: 1. M5, 2. TSM, 3. Dignitas
IEM Guangzhou: 1. WE, 2. CLG, 3. SK
IEM New York: 1. Fnatic, 2. SK, 3. CLG
IEM Cologne: 1. CLG, 2. TSM, 3. Fnatic

Summarized, EU have won 2 times, NA 1. EU have gotten second 1 time, NA 3 times. Both have got third 2 times.
What's the fuzz over?


Jun 18, 2010
You might want your triforce before wits. I haven't into top lane irelia for a while, but as far as I recall you used to go philostone, boots, hog, phage, upgrade boots, sheen, triforce, win.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
You might want your triforce before wits. I haven't into top lane irelia for a while, but as far as I recall you used to go philostone, boots, hog, phage, upgrade boots, sheen, triforce, win.

Triforce is so last year mate ;)


Jul 4, 2011
So bros, irelia top lane. What to do and why?

I have been playing her a bit and it is cool because you can carry from top lane, and she is very hard for the enemy to counterpick. What I have done so far is that I go boots pots early, then I get philo stone for superior mana regen and if I still hang on turtle heart. Then around lvl 13-15 I get wits end, and then next triforce. At this point the game is won.

Am I going too much gold items?
There are many ways to play Irelia (which I think is a good thing), but this also leaves many less than optimal routes open. She's generally hard to counterpick because she can get away with most items. I generally do not like to go gp10, as this makes her weak early, and makes her dominate lane less. I'd only really consider it if I got a really early kill, (and still then, I'd usually consider items that'd let me bully my lane out). Against heavy AD harss (GP, Riven, other irelias etc.) you'll want to go cloth armor (or boots, for easier harass/escape) into either wriggles or tabi (or both if you're really f'ed). Many people consider Irelia's weakness to be her early game, but I disagree. From lvl 5 and forward, her W makes you able to trade with almost anyone. Trinity force is VERY situational, and should be left out more often than not. It's very pricy, and farming it weakens your lane (less defensive items). You'll usually want to buy it, only if you're laning someone you can't kill without burst (Vlad or panth for example), or if your team lacks damage.
Depending on match-up I'll usually hover around the following builds:

Heavy AD: Cloth armor into tabi or wriggles (wriggles is a huge money sink if you don't need it badly) > phage > frozenmallet / atmas (if lane is still hard). At this point I'll usually transition into Wits End for MR and easier trades. If I make it to lategame and I still haven't upgrades to frozen mallet, and I'm not being focused hard I buy Trinity force, but more than not I end up going frozen mallet (that slow is so great).

Heavy magic damage: boots into mercs > wits end > (chalice or early negatron if im raelly getting it, or laning rumble, fk that guy) > phage, into normal build.

Everything else: A mix depending on their team, and how my team is doing.
Exceptions: If you get an early kill or two, and get a phage or wits end, going zerg greaves will ensure the rape that is to commence. Can always swap them when teamifghts come along.
When laning against someone you really need to burst, an early sheen will help loads.

A typical full build will usually (again, everything is subject to change, depending on who's fed and who's not) consist of some of the following: Merc threads, Frozen mallet, Atmas, Wits end, Guardian angel / force of nature / randuins or madreds if you feel like you're already winning and want great lulz.

What I've learned from playing lots of Irelia, is that there's almost never 1 item that you must have. Everything changes, and you learn to adapt by playing a whole lot of her.

A note on early philostone: Shurelyas kicks ass on her.

EDIT: Triforce Irelia gets raped by Fratmas Irelia.


Jun 18, 2010
Triforce naut is the new OP. Just ask Phoenix. He's been rocking top and bot with it.


Jun 18, 2010
Meh, GRUNKERs is for when I'm playing my alt. account with frenchies. I find unranked suits my temper better these days though. The tryharding and rage in ranked can get a bit aggravating.

OFC, then you get people like our pugger lux.


Jul 4, 2011
Juul said:
Thanks bro, will try that out. What do you use for runes? I have so far gone with attack speed, since it synergizes with the W.
Ideally, you'd want to rune for MR against magic lanes, and armor for ad lanes, but thats pretty self-explanatory...

My standard page is:

Mres/lvl blues as you normally wont need loads of MR before teamfighting - the scaling ones pay off at lvl 10 compared to flat. I will use flat if laning magic damage, which will usually mean rumble, akali or vlad top. If you'd want a standard page, I'd stick with scaling, as most tops wont do much magic damage before lvl 10 anyway.

Flat armor seals - again, most lanes will be physical. Even champs like vlad will auto you alot, and along with minion damage it racks up. Probably the only runes I'd consider.

I currently use flat AD marks. This is to ease early last-hitting, especially under tower, and to amp up early Q. Arpen works too, but I'm not a huge fan, as it doesnt really benefit her that much, because her AD will be relatively low most games. Attack speed makes sense too, as W benefits greatly from it. I've tried it, and it's most defintely good, but it wont help much before you get phage, as trades will be relatively short (2-3 autos) before someone disengages. That being said, it's much better to have mid-late game, than the flat AD.

For quints I use move speed, but this is personal preference. I like them, because more than not, it makes me able to decide when to stop exchanging harass, as I can outrun them. Besides, late game fights are all about mobility for bruisers. Flat AD works well too (with AD marks too) too make early harass that more potent, and to be able to lasthit easier. Arpen works for early game dmg, against more low armor targets, and flat hpregen helps out lane, though I'm not really a fan of them.


Jan 10, 2010
Just posting that as someone who's dabbled a bit with Irelia, Juul is 100% correct in his posts about her.


Dec 22, 2008
First I lost 9 games in a row, then I won 3 games, and now I'm on a losing streak again, 6 losses now. I went from 1300 to 900 lol.

I have feeders, leavers and trolls in every game. I am raging so much right now. And also, I am always the last one to pick a champion, why is that? Many games in a row now, is it randomized or what? I always get to pick support and support these retarded troll carries, I mean fuck.
Three leavers in like ten games, I've never had so many leavers in normal, maybe one leaver per fifty fucking games. What's with ranked, really?
Jun 27, 2010
I am always the last one to pick a champion, why is that? Many games in a row now, is it randomized or what? I always get to pick support and support these retarded troll carries, I mean fuck.

Apparently it's based on your ELO, so if you keep going down, you're likely gonna keep getting last pick against retards like you've been paired with.

Three leavers in like ten games, I've never had so many leavers in normal, maybe one leaver per fifty fucking games. What's with ranked, really?

People like to be much bigger faggots on purpose in Ranked because lul epik trowl


Jan 10, 2010
As of writing this post, the codex overlords think that League of Legends is a first person shooter



Jan 10, 2010
I don't play AD carry often, but when I do, I usually play Graves or Caitlyn


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
I am always the last one to pick a champion, why is that? Many games in a row now, is it randomized or what? I always get to pick support and support these retarded troll carries, I mean fuck.

Apparently it's based on your ELO, so if you keep going down, you're likely gonna keep getting last pick against retards like you've been paired with.

But at the same time you get paired with people about your Elo range so in the end how low or how high is your Elo doesn't matter, it's how high or how low it's your Elo compared with the people you're playing with. If you DuoQ with someone with lower Elo you're probably going to be first pick, if you DuoQ with someone with higher Elo you're probably going to be last pick (this, of course, if there's a long Elo range between you both)

As of writing this post, the codex overlords think that League of Legends is a first person shooter


We should request this topic moved to the former RPG Discussion, because it suits very well the 'General Games With Stats & Levelling Up'. Oh, the butthurt that will ensue.


Jun 18, 2010
Is LoL a general game? Check. In fact, it is a game in which you can play a general. (Swain).
Does it have stats? Movespeed, attackspeed, hitpoints, mana, ability power, attack damage, cooldown reduction, armor, magic resist, armor pen, magic pen, lifesteal, spell vamp, health regen, mana regen. Check.
Does it have levelling up? Levelling up characters and getting new and/or better abilities is one of the games main components.

Clearly this thread should be moved to General Games With Stats & Levelling Up



Jun 18, 2010
In other news, it seems I've managed to semi-successfully merge the few EUW KKKodexians with some brit buds of mine. We're not going to be playing ranked anytime soon, but 5-man normals with a teamspeak server are a-go.


We also had a rather hilarious twisted treeline all-random. Brit1(Malphite)+Brit2(Yi)+Stereotypical Villain(Riven) vs Brit3(Veigar)+Me(Karma)+Undead_Phoenix(Galio)

Things looked rather grim from the outset as team AP had no real way of contesting the jungle camps/dragon, leaving team AD to claim them unopposed. To make matters worse, undead phoenix DC'ed at lv4 and didn't return until 15 minutes later. We stubbornly refused to surrender and it paid off. By the time phoenix reconnected, we were 1 for 1 in towers, 1 kill ahead and 1-2 dragons and some lizards behind. Phoenix initially fed a little (being 7 levels behind will do that to you) but we managed to turn things lategame since team AD didn't stack negatron cloaks for some reason.

Whereas Karma is kinda meh in 5v5, her shield is hilariously strong in 3v3, since it's much harder to wear through it with 2 less people. Final score for AP Karma: 14/2/7

Towards the end, while wailing on nexus, I had wizard hat + zhonya + void staff + 2x dorans and managed to oneshot yi (who had built super-squishy all attack) with my shield. KARMAHU AKBAR!


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Playing Galio alot.



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